Archives for July 2012


One of my least favorite Christian-y phrases is “God will never give you more than you can handle.”  Umm.  He does.  All the time. He is continually calling us to live beyond our own abilities and resources. In Scripture most people we read about faced a moment where they said “I can’t do that. No […]


All Things- verse for week

“With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 This past week I was reading Matthew 19.  I slowed down at the above words.  Ones I’ve read hundreds of times.  Ones that I have heard quoted in many contexts. I have had the word “all” jump out. What’s not included in all? I have had the word “possible” […]


Something’s wrong. I can see clearly.

This was my grandmothers clock.  It has been by our bedside for twelve years.  If I squint my eyes just right, I can make out what time it is.  Yes, I do realize it has exremely large numbers.  I have bad vision.  Really bad.  Without my contacts or glasses I am in a blurry fog.  In […]


Will He really be enough?

Participating in Five Minute Friday.  The topic is “Enough” Rules are write for 5 minutes flat- no editing, no overthinking, no backtracking.      Ready- Go: First time trying this.  Wrestling off the voice asking “am I doing this right?” making me second guess how others will perceive this. And when I wonder, am I […]



“He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.” Psalm 18:19 When do you experience being closed in or crowded?  In what circumstances do you feel trapped or attacked? In those moments how would you be affected if you were brought out of it? Imagine a spacious place.  […]


Confessions of a new blogger

Why did I start to blog? Because I love to write.  No.  More than just loving to write, I discover a part of who I am when I write.  Unearthing feelings, thoughts and insights slightly below the surface….and words somehow digging them out.  That is why I write.  Beyond that, why I share what I write is a response to my […]


Fireworks, Hairy Arms and the Character of God

After fireworks this past Wednesday night, I was walking with a friend’s five year old daughter.  As she held onto my arm she said, “You have hairy arms.  Why do you have so much hair on your arms?”  I’ll pause the story right here to say this is a comment I have actually heard a lot- […]


Open Wide (Part 2)

Yesterday I wrote about a hermitage retreat that I embarked on a few years ago.  At the beginning of the retreat I was meditating on Psalm 81:10, specifically the phrase “Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.”  However rather than being a time of filling, God kept bringing to mind areas to empty. […]
