
“When you eat your breakfast cereal you think about the workers who made it…”  So it was said of those with the Strength-finders theme of connectedness.  And my husband laughed, because he has eaten many breakfasts with me.

Like a hub with spokes in all directions, we reach out to connect through:

  • Words–  Hoping the words I type connect me with you.
  • Sharing stories– that connect our hearts and remind us we are not alone, our voices matter.
  • Children– who connect us to the here and now and responsibilities.  And connect us to dreams that lie ahead.
  • Prayers– that connect us to the one who made us and knows us and loves us.
  • Serving– connecting us to a world beyond our doors.

Not without fear.  But with courage we send our spokes out.  Looking for a place to acknowledge this desire for connection that has sweetly been placed in us.  And how beautiful the ride when we do.

 {top image credit}

Happy Friday!  I’m participating in Five Minute Friday.

We are given a prompt- this week was Here.    Five minutes to write.  No editing and second guessing.  Then you encourage the person before you.

Read more here!



  1. Lindsey van Niekerk says

    I love the Strength Finders test…what a beautiful way to bring out what that word means to you! Lovely heart!

  2. Stefanie Brown (@stefanieybrown) says

    Great imagery!!
    So thankful He designed us for connections and sought to connect with us, Himself.

  3. Beautiful ride indeed!!
    Thankful that He has connected us 🙂

    Please tell me more about the Strength Finders test?

    • I’m thankful to that He has connected us- maybe we should connect soon through coffee?
      I first did Strength Finders when we went through a church planters assessment. It list your top five (?) strengths/themes. I have the book- when I get back to PA I will pass it along. It think you would like it.

  4. Really good post.

  5. i just read your story behind the name of your blog and let me just say that your story really connected with me. thanks – that was so encouraging in ways you don’t even know. see! you just made a connection through both words and sharing stories.

    have a great night!

    my recent post: did you look into their eyes today?

    • Charis
      Thank you so much! Love hearing that the story connected with you.
      PS I did go kiss his head goodnight!

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