How We Spend Our Days


This picture was taken on New Years Day. I can tell you a lot of facts about the picture. It was my birthday. I’m on the beach at Edisto Island, South Carolina. I had some alone time. It was lightly raining. The next morning we were driving back to Pennsylvania after a week with my husband’s family.

But the facts often miss the story.

The transforming peace of a beach in winter.

The random silliness and freedom in sitting on a cold bench and taking a picture of my feet.

The way solitude strengthens my core.

A buffer of time to bring dreams to the year ahead.

“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”

This quote by Annie Dillard has been rummaging around in my thoughts the last couple of days.  As it makes it way through my mind, it is this picture above that surfaces.

I can’t spend all my days on this beach. But what I spend them on takes a back seat for a moment to how I spend them.

What I spend them on is currently a season of kissing hurts and reviewing spelling words. Of playing in mud and washing dirty clothes. Of dress up and legos. Fifteen more years of nurturing and protecting, guiding and letting go.  These years ahead, a majority of my what seems destined.

Oh but how I spend them…that I have great influence over.

May I spend today with my eyes wide opened. Full of joy I don’t understand. Aware of suffering and trials and pain I don’t comprehend. Ready to live in the questions more than needing an answer.

Yielded to the Spirit. Pointing towards redemption.

Living right here, right now. My eyes locked with yours. One ear turned towards you and one towards His voice.

I want the how, to be gracious and generous and tender and strong.

That’s why my beach is important.

It restores. It reminds. It is a sliver of time.

It gives my days the beauty to invite. It gives my days a sword with which to fight.

It’s my soul care. 

My deep well.

Tucked away.


How do you want to be spending your days?

Linking today with Still Saturday.

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