It’s a Wrap! {Day 31 of No Fear}

typewriter quote

It’s a wrap!

Here we are. October 31st. We made it. This is a moment where I wish we could sit down face to face and we could talk about fear. I could ask what stands out from these last 31 days? What was a new thought or something that you realized? Are any of the practices, exercises that we discussed ones that you feel drawn to implementing?

I would love to hear in the comments.

For me, I have been thinking about the month in two categories; what have I learned about writing and what have I learned about living a life of no fear.


“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”  Ernest Hemingway

I can write every day. That’s no small admission from someone who post per month typically vary from none to four. Except for the month of October.

What surprises me is that I could always think of content, of something to write about on the topic. There was always a story, a quote or a verse on my mind from my daily life. My challenge was energy or discipline to sit down and do it. And of course time. The kids wanted to eat. Everyday!

I often thing of myself as someone who writes when inspired. It was good to (re)learn that God shows up when I have the discipline to sit down and write. It doesn’t have to be profound, but the discipline of doing it has value.

I also think of myself as someone who writes reflectively, going into a story and gaining insight from it. This month I learned I can write more ‘factually’ or informationally. And I can do that in my style.

Lastly I was reminded how important it is for a writer to read. I read more this month than is typical. (In large part to a few days away). Those books greatly informed and shaped my writing.

No Fear

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and discipline (or sound mind).” 2 Timothy 1:7

Ok, now this is more difficult to summarize in a few words.

To start, defining fear as the anticipation of evil (Dallas Willard) set the tone for the month. The converse of this, that no fear is the anticipation of goodness, was a backdrop for my writing throughout the month.

Also impactful for me was the realization that fear, as a noun, will still come. But to fear or not to fear, as a verb, is a choice. When the emotion of fear comes, we can lean into Jesus and say with Him we will not be afraid.

My month was shaped by noticing more of the everyday ways we choose to be brave, recognizing the often subtle whispers of fear, and not allowing them to direct us.

I was also reminded, by your comments and messages, that fear is common. Fear has a hold on us and we don’t want it to. Fear prevents us from being all that we are created to be. It is by running into Jesus arms that we combat it. It is knowing him more and more deeply and intimately that our trust grows. We remember that he is indeed for us and will fight for us. We do not fear scarcity, he will be enough.

I enjoyed the last 2 weeks of looking more deeply at practices we can embrace that usher us into a deeper relationship with God. It rekindled in me treasures that I had forgotten I possessed. I look forward to pulling them back out and offering them to God.

Thank you for reading and interacting. You help me to grow and to depend more on Jesus in my life. To know deep in my soul of the ways he has made me and to not shy away from revealing Him in ways that are unique to me.

PS If you want to look back, here were the top posts for the month (some in terms of readers, some in terms of being my favorites!)

Confession of a Fear – most vulnerable to me and most read

Hope Conquers Fear–  our long road to parenting and marking the date of our 8 year anniversary of bringing our son home from Guatemala.

The Fears We Have–  a letter to fear

What Does Fear Give You

Prayer of Examen–  the beginning of looking at practices that help us choose no fear

No Fear Final 100I am participating in Write 31 Days. Click right here to see all the amazing topics!  I am writing on 31 Beauty Full Days.  You can read the intro post here.  And you can also always click on the button on the sidebar to see all posts in the series.



  1. Thank you.

  2. Mary Geisen says

    Love the recap! I , too, am struck by how my usual writing happens when I am inspired but love how God just kept pushing me through each day especially this last week that was a struggle. God taught me that I needed to write because the words were as much for me as for others. I needed the lessons about bravery that were being shared.
    I did not run across your series during this time but will need to check it out because I imagine there are parallels between yours on fear and mine on bravery. Congrats for finishing strong and for writing what God laid on your heart.

  3. Susan Gillgrist says

    How much I have enjoyed the daily writings and I will miss them in my day. You bring much in your writings Melanie, keep it up. I want to think more about Prayer of Examen….it seems to be something that could be very beneficial. Thanks for giving us your time and thoughts, I hope it isn’t too long before we see Blue Marble God again. Blessings to you!

  4. Susan Shipe says

    And, sister, we have bled. Enjoy the rest but don’t ever stop writing!

  5. Beautifully written. “I often thing of myself as someone who writes when inspired. It was good to (re)learn that God shows up when I have the discipline to sit down and write. It doesn’t have to be profound, but the discipline of doing it has value.” —That was my biggest lesson this month as well.

  6. Karen Sebastian says

    Loved your recap as well. Truly fear expels love and keeps us from accomplishing all God has for us. Well done!

  7. We did it, Melanie! We finished it, wrapped it up; and are at the end of this writing challenge. Some days it WAS a challenge, even though all I did was write from a prompted word…yet, some days, the words did come easily. I didn’t get much reading done – of others’ posts – but did try to follow the 5 for 5 some days. Now, I will go back and do some reading. But, today, I am going to read and congratulate everyone I can for getting this far. And for those that didn’t, you did what you could!! Enjoyed this month-long writing; not sure I’ll do every day again until after the first of the year!!!

  8. Denise Powers Fabian says

    Great recap! I have subscribed so I can continue following through email.

  9. Harmony Moore says

    Everything you said about writing – every word. Yes. I am so glad I found your blog here at the end of this challenge. I am going back to read each post – the whole topic is calling my name!

  10. Elizabeth Meyers says

    I love how you said God shows up when we discipline ourselves to write. So true!


  1. […] 31     It’s a Wrap   (what I learned about writing and […]

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