Nothing Gold Can Stay- Day 7

Nothing Gold Can Stay Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. Robert Frost (1923) As we enter the second week of 31 […]


Straight Paths- Day 6

As we wrap up week one of 31 Days of Noticing Fall, how has your week been? Where have you noticed God in the midst of noticing fall? In your current season, where is it most challenging to trust God? Where do you tend to “lean on your own understanding”? Take a moment to inquire […]


A Letting Go Kind of Seeing- Day 5

“But there is another kind of seeing that involves a letting go. When I see this way I sway transfixed and emptied.” Pilgrim at Tinker Creek. These words from Annie Dillard swirled around inside my head. Just like the leaves swirling around outside my head.  Walking, pausing by this serene lake. Gazing at the trees […]


Yummm! Fall Slow Cooker Recipe- Day 4

When you imagine Fall, what picture do you have? In addition to leaves and pumpkins, fires and shorter days, does food come to mind? It does for me. Comfort. Warmth. Gatherings. Sharing a feast. Abundance. The ways God draws us together to share from His table. And when I thought of food and recipes, I […]


Personality and Fall- Day 3

Routine. When you hear that word do you shout for joy? Or do you run for cover? How do our personalities affect our response to various seasons of life?   I’ve started off this series by talking about the “back to school” aspect of fall. And while in our personal life it doesn’t always happen […]


Every Leaf a Flower- Day 2

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” Albert Camus When you look around, where do you see dying and new life intermingled? How do you seeing dying connected to new dreams, goals and routines that God may be calling you towards? Day Two of 31 Days of Noticing Fall {Thank you […]


Firmly Planted in October- Day 1

Fall looks back over his shoulder at Summer who has faded.Recognizing his time, his purpose has arrived. He lets the sun set on Summer’s glory, her brightness, her freedom. September plays with us. She says, you can still pretend I’m summer.  I’ll let you hold on to images of being carefree. I’ll still give you […]


31 Days of Noticing Fall

I’m venturing into something new. Something that if I had given myself the proper time to analyze, would have calculated that I’m not really prepared to do it. But throwing caution and my spreadsheets to the wind, decided what better way to learn than by jumping in? I’m joining The Nester in her 31 days […]
