
A loud sob jolts the house from it’s sleep. The middle of the night doesn’t stop a little boys cries. I go to his bedside. His eyes closed, I whisper “It’s ok sweetie. I’m right here.” He grasps my arm. Recognizing my skin, his grip loosens as he lays back down. The cries from a […]


Laundry, Legos and Spilled Milk

Write for five minutes on the word Graceful. Ready? Go! What does graceful look like in the midst of piles of laundry, spilled milk and stepping on Legos? How do I display grace with my actions, a graceful response, when deep brown eyes look up at me? I remember. Remember the grace first offered me. […]


Deer, Geese and Change

I love the change of season. Nature moving through natural rhythms. Dying. Renewal. Reminding me that change is good. Beautiful. Purposeful. With the start of school this past Wednesday, I have been looking forward to getting back into the routine of waking early. Having quiet before the house wakes to read Scripture and journal. Going […]



A world ago, when I worked as a financial analyst, I had a boss say something that has always stuck with me. “You need to speak up more, join the conversation at meetings. I think you often have insights to share, but you believe everyone has already thought of them. They haven’t.” In our early […]



Old bones.  Moving slowly.  Stretch to not forget their movement. Muscles not used very often.  Stretch to not forget their purpose. Hearts tired.  Needing God’s words.  Stretch to not forget their beat. Patterns and ruts.  Stretch to move beyond their comfort. Introverted.  Stretch to make new connections. Fingers typing.  Stretch to convey the spirit. Minds […]



“When you eat your breakfast cereal you think about the workers who made it…”  So it was said of those with the Strength-finders theme of connectedness.  And my husband laughed, because he has eaten many breakfasts with me. Like a hub with spokes in all directions, we reach out to connect through: Words–  Hoping the […]


Where is Here

Ten states between us.  Three since being married. Sometimes I forget where my here is. In the middle of a three week vacation to Minnesota.  The here that started us as a couple.  Our sweet home by Minnehaha creek and Lake Nokomis.  A world ago. Our here that was Seattle.  Coffee shops and Olympic mountains.  […]



One of my least favorite Christian-y phrases is “God will never give you more than you can handle.”  Umm.  He does.  All the time. He is continually calling us to live beyond our own abilities and resources. In Scripture most people we read about faced a moment where they said “I can’t do that. No […]
