Will He really be enough?

Participating in Five Minute Friday.  The topic is “Enough”

Rules are write for 5 minutes flat- no editing, no overthinking, no backtracking. 



Ready- Go:

First time trying this.  Wrestling off the voice asking “am I doing this right?” making me second guess how others will perceive this.

And when I wonder, am I enough….my deeper question is “Will God be enough?”

Will the one that made me and formed me and delights in me, will this creation of his be enough.  When I hit my limits, will He shine through, will he be enough?

And my mind drifts to Auroro CO.  Thinking of those who’s life changed in a split second.  Of those friends and families facing numbness today.   Those whose life was heading in one direction- suddenly facing unexpected, never dreamt of loss.

Will God be enough?

Will we let him be enough when we know we aren’t.  And let his “enough-ness” be ours too.


  1. martha brady says

    hi melanie, i enjoyed your post today. i see we have a lot in common. i’m a pastor’s wife, we wrote on similar topics today and i even have a daughter and her family in seattle:)

    we lost some of our earlier pregnancies (40+ yrs. ago!) but did go on to have 3 healthy children. that is where the comparison stops…at least for now.

    as you can see, we all do our five minute fridays a little different. yours is great! i hope to get to know you better.

    • Martha
      Thank you so much! I was nervous to dive in.
      Love that God would connect our post and discover the similiarities.
      Can’t wait to read your blog.

  2. Welcome Melanie. Like you I’m nervous everytime I join FMF, it seems like so many of the other posts are so much more. But, often remind myself that just participating is enough, and we never know how our words will touch others. Like you (and most of the world) my thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the events in Aurora, I add a heartfelt “Thank you” that my daughter and her family were not affected. They live near the area, and often attend movies, just not at midnight thankfully. Hope you come back. Quilted blessings, Nita

    • Thank you for the encouragment Nita! I was glad I just started typing before I gave myself much time to think about it!
      Grateful that your daughter is safe.

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