
I had a topic all planned out in my head.  But as my fingers began to type, I had to admit that my heart  wasn’t in it.  At least not today.  As I pause to examine where exactly my heart is I immediately remember this past weekend.  Specifically one moment.

This past Saturday afternoon I was sitting in a boat on a beautiful lake.  I can close my eyes and remember the hues of the sky and hear the summer sounds.  In that moment I thought: Remember this.  Soak this in.  Enjoy.  It was one of those moments that you notice.  When you are almost removed from the scene and can see it in full view.  And yet at the same time are fully present to and engaged in it.

There were teenage girls laughing while tubing behind our boat.  A near melt down of a five year old nervous to try the tube.  One of those moments that brings to mind the quote “Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work.  It means to be in the midst of these things and still feel calm in your heart.”

Calm in my heartThat is what I felt.  A wave of gratitude.  A heightened sense of beauty.  An awareness of what is right in the world.  A perfect summer day.

I also had an awareness that this moment was wrapped gently by hundreds of moments before it.

For you see this past weekend was a significant weekend.  Almost seven years ago my dad passed away.  Too suddenly.  Too unexpectedly.  Too young.

Every year since then some dear friends have organized a golf outing in memory of him.  In memory of his enthusiasm for life.  In memory of thousands of meetings at coffee shops where he would listen intently.  In memory of his passion in life for helping others find theirs.  In memory of his quotable sayings and wise advice.

Every year this golf outing raises funds for activities and ministries that would have been close to his heart.  Every year he is remembered, not only for who he was, but also what he called forth in others.

Over the years the whole weekend has taken on a shape, a tradition. Sweet friends coming into town.   Heading to the lake.  Riding roller-coasters and shopping at Mall of America (Did I mentioned the teenage girls?)  Eating.  Laughing.  And time in there on a Monday morning for some golf.

These few days feel to me as if God is softly cradling them in his hands.  Protecting them.  Showcasing them.  Tendering loving them.

These days are filled with many moments.  And those are surrounded by a great cloud of memories of past moments.  And in the midst of so much love.  Of so much richness.  God brings me to slow motion on a boat.  In the middle of the lake.  As if he has made a pinhole from heaven for his light to shine down on me.

Letting in his love creates a ripple effect.  He unveils a gift.  In that moment my life is simple.  All that matters is right before me.  I am full and content.   And I am offered a glimpse of how amazing love is indeed.

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  1. Chance Kelosky says

    I really like this post. Keep up the good work!

    • Thank you for your encouragement Chance! I’m excited to see you writing- it will impact many kids in your ministry.

  2. Marcy Stickney says

    BEAUTIFUL!! I got tears in my eyes reading what you’d written, Melanie. I remember your dear, wonderful father and how much love he had for God and all people. He was a remarkable man.
    God has indeed gifted you in writing, Melanie! Thank you so much for sharing for your life experiences, thoughts and beautiful word pictures…all wrapped up in “to God be the glory!”

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