Living in the Unseen

Last Friday night I was sitting comfortably watching the Olympics on television, perusing blogs on my laptop and reading a magazine.  What? You think that is too much media input?

In the midst of that, my husband called.  My son and I are still on vacation in Minnesota while he is back home in Pennsylvania.  He has had a busy week since returning from Minnesota and was about to enter a weekend of preaching at five services.  As we finished our call, I said “I’ll be praying for you.”

And I did.  I said a quick prayer along the lines of please be with Rob as he speaks.  Now sometimes that is all we’ve got. A quick request in the middle of a busy day.  Or a desperate plea when we have no words.  But not this night.  I had time.  I had space. I had words.  As the Holy Spirit moved in my heart, I slowly turned off the t.v.  I closed my laptop.  I set aside my magazine.

I moved to the couch on the porch.  I stretched out and I began to pray.  Scriptures came to mind.  Specific prayers for Rob.  Prayers for our community.  Words uttered that I hadn’t planned on speaking.  And underneath it all I felt such joy, a sweet conversation between my Father and me.

After I finished praying I heard the giggles from the bedroom of a little boy who should have been asleep.  I got up to let him know it was time to sleep.  Yes, I know we are on vacation.  Yes, I know we are at Abuela’s house.  Yes, I know the Olympics are on.  And you still need to sleep.  As I headed back towards the kitchen I heard my phone ring.  It was Rob.

“You prayed.  Thank you.

Those were his first words.  I could stop right there.  Somehow God gave me words to speak.  Somehow he moves in the heart of a man 800 miles away.  Somehow he lets us both know that he can minister to our souls in a way that is only possible through his grace.

Rob went on to share that although he was tired, he felt energized with words to share and encouraged by the Spirit’s guidance.  Although he was alone in our house, he felt God’s presence right beside him with reminders of His strength and power.  In a few moments a shift that no amount of ‘trying’ could produce.

It shouldn’t surprise me.  In life I have experienced the unseen world to be more of reality than the world I see.

An unseen world where I live in communication with God.  A place where I walk by faith.  An arena where prayer is heard and is effective.

I often imagine this unseen world as a place right in front of my nose.  As if I had a magical knife I could slice right through the air and peer into it.

And yet I often choose to live where I can see.  I accept the world’s offering of reality.  I believe that results will depend on my effort alone.  I walk by guarantees and solid knowledge.

Some nights God invites me to more, but I say no.  Instead saying yes to a flimsy substitute and declare this will be my reality for tonight.

Ah, but sometimes I remember.  I remember what God has done.  I remember what I have seen.  And I say yes to his invitation of a with God life.  Of a with God moment.

And I never regret accepting that invitation.

May I continue to fix my eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen.  So that I may truly see and fully live.


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  1. Ron Lehman says

    Ahhhhhh…….. My blog ‘fix’. – thank you Melanie…..

    It is soooo true – I can always tell when it is David, Pat, or Rob speaking, verses the Spirit speaking ‘through’ them…… Aware of this, from my view in the balcony, I can see the difference in people tryin to ‘listen’, verses the Spirit speaking to their ‘soul’. The ‘unseen’ can be ‘seen’, if you open your eyes to the Spirit……what a glorious confirmation of God with us…..

    The ‘Spirit’ was in the room this weekend – thank you for your part in that……

    • Ron- thank you! Glad you like reading here.
      And I like thinking that I participated in the church service from far away.

  2. Mel,
    Thanks for the reminder that what is unseen is far more powerful than what is seen! I needed this reminder today…sometimes I remember too!!

  3. Been praying so hard for Dave and the men at the conference—this was really comforting to read this morning!

    • Kristi- Thank you for letting me know this was comforting. And yes- your prayers were definitely part of their experience this past weekend. I can not wait to get home tomorrow and hear about it.

  4. Stefanie Brown (@stefanieybrown) says

    I read this post when it posted, but for some reason I didn’t comment.

    I’m back to say, what a great read!! May this be our constant prayer: “May (we) continue to fix (our) eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. So that (we) may truly see and fully live.”

    Have a wonderful day, my friend!

    • Thanks Stefanie- Through you I’m finding a lot of link ups- how fun!! And decided to post this one there this this morning.
      Have a wonderful day too.

  5. This post is a sweet post to remind me of the blessings that come from yielding to the Spirit. Thanks for linking up at Always Alleluia!

  6. Michele-Ault says

    Wow! Wow! So glad we were neighbors today at Kris’s place. This was such a beautiful story, told with such authenticity and grace. It has convicted my heart today.

    Blessings to you 🙂 I’ll be seeing you at Allume!

    • Thank you Michele! I have been impacted and blessed many times by your writing.
      Just yesterday I was moved off the waiting list- and am so excited to be going to Allume 🙂

  7. Oh MY! Does that ever speak to my heart right now. Thank you for sharing…visitng from Always Alleluia. Blessings!

  8. Jennifer {StudioJRU} says

    Oh that is so great!! Love it! Praying is so powerful. So glad to find your post through the Always Alleluia link-up! 🙂

  9. What a beautiful story! Such a wonderful reminder to follow the Spirit’s prompting when it comes to prayer. So thankful you shared this today! Blessings!

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