
Old bones.  Moving slowly.  Stretch to not forget their movement.

Muscles not used very often.  Stretch to not forget their purpose.

Hearts tired.  Needing God’s words.  Stretch to not forget their beat.

Patterns and ruts.  Stretch to move beyond their comfort.

Introverted.  Stretch to make new connections.

Fingers typing.  Stretch to convey the spirit.

Minds trapped.  Stretch to find truth and freedom.

Past voices holding back.  Stretch to be alive.

God’s tenderness calling.  Stretch to answer.

Yes. Here I am.  Responding to your call.

Stretch.  All of me.  Yours.


{top image credit}


Participating in Lisa Jo’s 5 Minute Friday.  Write for five minutes- no over thinking, no backtracking.  Link back.  Encourage the person whose link is before yours.

Read more here

Prompt today:  Stretch.



  1. Loved this! Thanks for the reminder of why we stretch!

  2. This is beautiful, especially “God’s tenderness calling. Stretch to answer.” Isn’t that how it is, we need to stretch ourselves to really answer Him. Love it.

    • Thank you Lindsey. It seems a paradox. We stretch to really answer him…and yet he is the one who does the work. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. ro elliott says

    we are neighbors today…oh this is just beautiful…every line…and at the end…yielding to all that stretches us…I say yes and amen with you today. have a blessed weekend~

  4. tanya marlow says

    I loved this. I loved the beauty of the rhythm and the reflections. There was so much in here! It read like an essential oil, distilled thought.
    ‘Fingers typing. Stretch to convey the spirit’ – such a brilliant description of the challenge of writing.

    I’m loving your blog – great to connect with you again! Much love xx

    • Tanya- Thank you! This week’s was fun to write. I didn’t think as much I just let my heart speak.
      I am so glad we have connected and have the fun of getting to know each other through our writings.
      Happy Weekend!

  5. Stefanie Brown (@stefanieybrown) says

    Love this post!! I smiled the entire time I was reading it.
    Beautiful words from a warm heart.
    Thank you for sharing, Melanie.
    Happy FMF, my friend…

  6. Thanks, Mel!
    Old bones, tired hearts, minds trapped…all too familiar, indeed.
    And sometimes I resist stretching…but He waits, doesn’t He?


  7. Enjoyed this.

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