
A world ago, when I worked as a financial analyst, I had a boss say something that has always stuck with me. “You need to speak up more, join the conversation at meetings. I think you often have insights to share, but you believe everyone has already thought of them. They haven’t.”

In our early years of marriage, when my big picture husband has an idea I would think surely he has thought through the details. He hadn’t.

And so through life I have thought of joining as primarily as listening. Learning from others. And it is.

But in this world of extroverts and introverts, some of us are stretched by listening and some of us are stretched by speaking. We need both. And we need to do both.

Joining is more than receiving. It is giving. It is believing that we have something of worth to give. We do.

Reality is that my husband welcomes what I see that he doesn’t. He wants me to join him in thinking and dreaming.

Joining is believing that I, that we, have a voice to be heard. Taking in life in beautifully different ways. Expressing it with equal diversity.

Joining propels me into a space where we can grow from each other. Where encouragement and love bloom. Where God says, there is my workmanship engaging as they are created to do.


Participating in Lisa Jo’s 5 Minute Friday.ย  Write for five minutes- no over thinking, no backtracking.ย  Link back.ย  Encourage the person whose link is before yours.

Read more here

Prompt today:ย  Join.

{top image credit}



  1. Elizabeth, wynnegraceappears says

    Beautifullly written. I love joinging in 5 minute Fridays because I get to hear the beautiful hearts of women like you. The perspectives and musings from others grows and strengthens me. You encourage. You inspire. Great visiting you over here, friend.

    • Elizabeth- Thank you! I too love 5 minute Fridays- amazing all the women who write and all the different ways they go. Thanks for your encouragement!

  2. Thanks, Mel!
    These are words of wisdom…and conviction for me. I often do not share – sometimes because I believe others have thought of it, sometimes because I am annoyed by SO MUCH SHARING form others ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Oh Beth, I do the same. Slowly I’m believing people want or need to hear from me too. You always have much encouragement and vision to share.

  3. Awesome post.

  4. I’m one of these people who shares too much ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for the invitation to join by listening. I learn so much when I choose to stay quiet and use my ears. (ah, the irony of posting to say that I need to post less and read more!)

  5. Rob Gillgrist says

    I’m stretched to listen but it is no stretch to hear these encouraging words. I’m in.

    • I encourage you to listen. You encourage me to speak. Great partners in this stretching, growing journey of faith (and life and marriage) !!

  6. Beck Gambill says

    Thank you for stopping by my blog today! I really love the idea that joining is more than receiving, it’s giving. As and extrovert married to an introvert I’ve learned that joining looks different for all of us!

    • Thank you for commenting! I’m an introvert married to an extrovert, and yes I agree! Have a good weekend.

  7. Stefanie Brown says

    Love this –> “Joining is more than receiving. It is giving. It is believing that we have something of worth to give. We do.” I felt worthless for so long, believing I had nothing of any worth to say or share. I do not want to venture out of the land of the humble, but through HIM, I’ve come to believe I have something to offer. My story is His story and His story changes lives.

    Lovely writing, my friend…

    • Stefanie- that is a great point…I love how you say to not venture out of the land of the humble. Yes may we have courage to speak, but always be speaking His story in our life.
      Pride is not only thinking too much of ourselves, but also too little as they both take our eyes off of him.
      Good night!

  8. Diana Denis says

    Ahh the art of balance…sharing and listening. I need to put more effort on the art of listening. That’s an important reminder. Thank you Melanie. Visiting from Lisa Jo’s place.

  9. Thanks for sharing, Melanie! You have touched on an issue for a lot of introverts…the balance between listening and speaking up. At times, in the past, I would pride myself in being the one that listened rather than shared my thoughts…thinking I was getting a bigger picture. But God started showing me that those insights were ones I needed to share and that sometimes I was being disobedient to Him when I chose to be silent when He was asking me to speak! Slowly, I am learning!

    • Margo- Thank you for your insights (ahh, right there an example of speaking!)
      I have never thought of having pride in being a listener, but as I reflect I think that is me, listening and asking questions…and being prideful in it.
      I’m glad you commented ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. This is beautiful, Melanie. I particularly enjoyed this line: “Joining is more than receiving. It is giving. It is believing that we have something of worth to give.” I loved how you used the different stories to illustrate your point. Very well done!

    • Ro
      I need to keep working on believing I have something of worth to give, a view not everyone else has.
      Thank you for commenting and encouraging1

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