Deer, Geese and Change

I love the change of season.

Nature moving through natural rhythms. Dying. Renewal.

Reminding me that change is good. Beautiful. Purposeful.

With the start of school this past Wednesday, I have been looking forward to getting back into the routine of waking early. Having quiet before the house wakes to read Scripture and journal. Going for a walk.

Today was the first that I managed to fit in the walk. My husband with a 6:30am conference call offering to have it at home so I could go. Me refusing. Him replying “go be with God.”

Hesitantly I received the gift.

As I left our driveway, an amazingly straight line of geese flew over head. Against a beautiful forming morning sky. Soaking Him in. Soaking the change of late summer.

As I turned onto the path at the park, deer came to attention. Five deer. Five white tailed deer. Stared at me. I stared back.  So gentle. So graceful. Reminders of the manner in which deer are referred to in the Psalms.

I come home. Open my computer.

The word is Change I read. And I smile. He has just given me glimpses of change. Of my routine. Of my world. Of my newly named Kindergartner.

Change that is nestled safely in the arms of my unchanging God.

Participating in Lisa Jo’s 5 Minute Friday.  Write for five minutes- no over thinking, no backtracking.  Link back.  Encourage the person whose link is before yours.

Read more here

Prompt today:  Change.



{top image credit}


  1. Sarah R. (to have love) says

    Love those kinds of mornings! Love the security of knowing that God never changes. Never!

  2. Brenna D (@chicagomama) says

    Oooo! Loved the picture you painted this morning. And how exciting these changes must be to your entire family! Praying for good things to come from this time!!

  3. Sarah R. (to have love) says

    i just read more on your journey after reading your comment. wow. thanks for the honesty and encouragement. it is so true that as we walk these paths of uncertainty and sorrow God’s Word becomes real and true and “not just poetry written a long time ago” and our hearts and lives and very souls start to change.

    • Hi Sarah. Thanks for coming back to read. I know there’s hundreds of scenarios that lead us on those journeys. Praying that God’s word continues to support as you live without those two additional chairs you were planning on filling.

  4. Lynn Morrissey says

    This is such a beautiful post, and I loved how you showed that change can be a good thing and especially that God never changes. I, too, love nature walks, and am disappointed that b/c of the remants of the hurricane, we’re unable to walk in the woods surrounding our cabin this Holiday weekend. Like you, I love deer, and your words here reminded me of words I wrote several years back about catching a glimpse of them.
    Tales from the Innsbrook Words by Lynn D. Morrissey
    I sought solitude in autumn woods,
    but found fraternity.
    Cicadas trilled. Locusts droned.
    A lone heron sentineled the pond,
    swelled with rain.
    A skein of geese unraveled in the sky.
    Winds stirred myriad maples,
    loosening leaves like butterflies fluttering,
    falling in mosaics on the lake.
    The sun hung like an amulet,
    gilding the riplets.
    At water’s edge, three deer leapt,
    twining stars in their high-branched heads.
    I left the woods unwillingly.
    In the city, loneliness waits.

  5. Very beautiful.

  6. Love my alone time with God before the world wakes up. Always makes for a good day:)

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