Laundry, Legos and Spilled Milk

Write for five minutes on the word Graceful. Ready? Go!

What does graceful look like in the midst of piles of laundry, spilled milk and stepping on Legos?

How do I display grace with my actions, a graceful response, when deep brown eyes look up at me?

I remember. Remember the grace first offered me. The divine assistance. Through no trying, no merit of my own.

I rest there for a while. Swim around in it’s depths. Knowing that no virtue of my own matches the magnitude of grace extended.

Fill me up with that unending grace. Fill me to overflow.

Fill me so that the repetitiveness of laundry, the momentary frustration of spilled milk and the pain of Lego stepping is met today with a graceful embrace.


Participating in Lisa Jo’s 5 Minute Friday.  Write for five minutes- no over thinking, no backtracking.  Link back.  Encourage the person whose link is before yours.

Read more here

Prompt today:  Graceful.


  1. I just linked up as well, and as I came to read your blog, I realize that we’re both learning the same thing about grace- being a graceful parent. I loved your post and I love the idea of being so full of grace that it overflows. Praying for you and your family today!

    • Meagan- Thanks for stopping by! Parenting seems to bring out lots of learning. Thank you for praying for us…i’m doing the same for you right now!

  2. Wonderful post and oh my, that is difficult when you are stepping on legos! OUCH! But to be honest now, with my kids grown, I almost miss it – the tripping over laundry, the legos, the laughter around my kitchen table… Enjoy! Live with Grace because pretty soon, it’s awful quiet around the house. BLESS YOU!

    • Kathleen- Thank you for that perspective! I have a quote in our laundry room that says something to that effect- that the piles of laundry will some day be gone.
      Your words help me to enjoy it now!

  3. Stefanie Brown says

    You had me at “LEGO”. Right now, as I write, I’m staring at hundreds of Lego pieces, some boxed, some open and out, all my little man’s. What great perspective you bring today! In the Legos I see his creative mind ~ grace. I see his determination ~ grace. I see his persistence ~ grace.

    Beautiful reminder, my friend!

    • Stefanie- yes i think most moms of boys have an automatic response to the word legos!
      I love your words of looking at them and seeing creativity, determination and persistence- grace in all.
      Happy Friday to you

  4. You had me at the plea for grace while stepping on legos. Why they don’t use this as a torture tactic I still don’t know…

    Melanie, I still can’t get over it. How He is so willing to make my mess beautiful. That He hasn’t called me to be graceful…He just gives that as a gift. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of this scandalous love affair He offers?!?

    So thrilled you stopped at the #FMFParty so I knew to visit and meet you proper. (as proper as cyber can be). Looking forward to getting to know you more through this wonderful FMF community!

    • Nikki
      Thank you so much for stopping by! (I somehow missed a bunch of comments…)
      And thanks for your encouragement- great to connect with you!

  5. found you on 5MF, I have a son too and enjoyed your post. I am trying to rebuild Christ in my life, not my goal when I first started blogging, but my heart and soul seems to be going in that direction and going to let God lead me there. subscribing to your blog and follow your twitter.

  6. Michele-Ault says

    I often ask myself how…

    “I remember. Remember the grace first offered me. The divine assistance. Through no trying, no merit of my own.”

    I must remember this… I love your mama’s heart <3

    • Michele- Remembering is definitely a big part of faith, that often seems to lead to gratitude. Thank you for stopping by:)

  7. I can relate. My I am constantly reminding my son to pick up his LEGO pieces because I step on them all too often and it hurts. Yet when God calls us, He doesn’t ask us to pick up the mess first. This grace He gives freely and it’s because of this grace that I can even attempt to clean up the mess, but only by His strength!

  8. Knowing that no virtue of my own matches the magnitude of grace extended. <=== such truth sweet friend. Have been right there with you friend…in the midst of mommyhood legos and all. Thanks so much for sharing your heart today. Blessings!

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