
A loud sob jolts the house from it’s sleep.

The middle of the night doesn’t stop a little boys cries.

I go to his bedside. His eyes closed, I whisper “It’s ok sweetie. I’m right here.”

He grasps my arm. Recognizing my skin, his grip loosens as he lays back down. The cries from a dream subside, never opening his eyes, never letting go completely of his grasp.

I lay beside him for a bit. Comforting. Reassuring.

And God reminds me of this child-like faith I’m called to.

To cry out to him. When I’m scared. When I’m confused. When bad things come into my mind. Grasp his arm. Don’t let go.

Wait for his soothing voice to comfort me. To remind me I’m in his care.

Don’t grasp the things that moths and rust will destroy.

They will not satisfy.

Grasp Him. Grasp his words of comfort in Scripture. Grasp the relationships- the precious souls I’ll spend eternity with.

In minutes he is sound asleep.

May my own rest in my Abba, Father come as quickly.


{top image credit}


Participating in Lisa Jo’s 5 Minute Friday.  Write for five minutes- no over thinking, no backtracking.  Link back.  Encourage the person whose link is before yours.

Read more here

Prompt today:  Grasp.


  1. our childlike faith in the simple things prepares us for bigger challenges! I love your imagery–I feel like I’m in the room . . .

    Be Blessed.

  2. So lovely. Your words are beautiful. God rushes with us to their bedsides late at night, and it is in those unsuspecting moments we hear him most clearly. I love that. Thanks so much for sharing! 🙂

  3. Very nice post.

  4. My heart raced as though it were my own child calling out in the night. Oh those bad dreams. And our own bad dreams and need for Abba. Thank you.

  5. Oh yes, that child-like faith! It is what my heart longs for. Beautiful 5 minute post!

  6. Tanya Marlow says

    Thank you so much for this thought. I love the tenderness here and the reminder to grasp onto God tightly and other things lightly. Thank you 🙂

  7. Positively Alene says

    I so want that child-like faith. It’s sad how it disappears over the years unless we are so intentional about hanging on to it. Blessings from 5MF.

  8. Jennifer Upton says

    “Grasp the relationships- the precious souls I’ll spend eternity with”
    Hit me like a ton of bricks as my Momma would say…..

  9. I wish that to be my first instinct always. I love the imagery of this. Thank you.

  10. Nikki @ Simplystriving says

    Oh my heart…
    I often think I have so much to learn about child-like faith…but really, I have much to let go of.
    this was beautiful, Melanie. It will stay with me and I’m sure to think of it when I find myself in the same position…praying it’s when I need it, too.
    Hugs to you and thanks for chatting last night! #FMFparty 😉

    • Nikki- there is a lot of letting go and holding on in this life of faith isn’t there!
      Thanks for your encouragement, and i loved chatting last night.
      happy weekend!

  11. Stefanie Brown (@stefanieybrown) says

    Beautiful, beautiful post, my friend! As always, your heart is transparent and translates well off the page. Love your words dearly.
    Allume is just a few short days away…

    • Thank you friend! For never having met, you have been such an encourager to me since I started this blogging. Thank you for that. and we will meet soon!

  12. says

    One of my favorite things is how God uses children to teach us more about Him. Thanks for sharing!

  13. It’s amazing how God uses our children to teach us so many lessons!

  14. Wow Melanie, This is awesome. And what a great warning: “Don’t grasp the things that moths and rust will destroy. They will not satisfy.” So wise!

    Side note, is that Allume button a new addition? WOOHOO! Can’t wait to see you inRL 🙂

    • Thank you Diana! God sure does speak through parenting.

      And yes, I recently was moved off of the waiting list! So excited to be attending, look forward to meeting you (I just recently learned what inRL means 🙂 )

  15. Dear Melanie
    Isn’t it wonderful what we can learn from children! One thing my chronic disease taught me is to grasp, really grasp our Pappa’s Hand, to crawl onto His lap and to stay there. I am grateful that He did not left a stone unturned to teach me what a Father He is. I am sorry that it took me such a long time to learn, but He is so patient and gentle.Blessings.

    • It’s incredible to understand Him in that way, isn’t it Mia? To take into our hearts a loving and intimate name for Him that reflects the tenderness of the relationship.

      Melanie, this is lovely.

    • Mia- yes I’m continually learning through him! Oh, I imagine you have learned so much about grasping. And you have such grace and gentleness in you.

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