Every Leaf a Flower- Day 2

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”

Albert Camus

When you look around, where do you see dying and new life intermingled?

How do you seeing dying connected to new dreams, goals and routines that God may be calling you towards?

Day Two of 31 Days of Noticing Fall

{Thank you to Sue Gillgrist for taking this picture in our yard today- and for sending me the quote!}




  1. As I’m in the Autumn of my life, there’s a part of my life that is behind me – nurturing the development of my growing children. The adjustment is bittersweet – for them as well as me, I think. But as I quiet my lips and let them speak the truth for their lives instead of believing I know best as their mom… I see their strength and amazing insight, when before I only saw their vulnerability as my little girls. In turn, and in order to maintain any sort of relationship where I’m not ridiculously pushing my involvement into their decisions… I’ve begun to learn new things and travel new paths – in writing, learning, and building an expanded community for myself.

    • Amy- I love your reflections on this autumn season of your life. And that balance as a mom (that I am only beginning to taste with a kindergartner!)
      So excited to have connected with you.

  2. I’ve been a Christian about 10 years now and I’m still struggling with the same sins. Since joining TCC (a church plant in MN), I’ve been learning about the importance of understanding the Gospel more deeply and applying it to my life intentionally. I pray for the death of my old self, my fleshly nature, so that my new life in Christ can shine through. A big part of that is surrender; setting aside my own agenda (put to death the things that bring me death) and giving myself wholly to God (He and only He brings LIFE).

    • Alex- Dying to all those things is hard. And yet there is grace in the process. I can see your journey to follow Christ, His presence naturally helps with the death of the sinful nature.

      • As I reread this, wasn’t sure if my comment captured all I meant to say. In the time I have known you Alex, I have seen a death to self and an increasing identification with Christ. You may look back and think your sin is the same (and it is something to pay attention to), but there is also much growth- and much desire for growth in your spirit!

  3. Melanie – you are thinking and journalling way faster then I can meditate on things! But w/God’s help we can change that!

    As for dying and new birth – I have pondered on emotional terms instead of visual. Letting regret and grief die so that we may flourish in new-born joys has been on my mind since reading this post. To take it to a ‘visual’ level – I’m am continually amazed that an older adult dies in a family just before or after a new child is brought into the family.

    • Diane- This writing everyday is a challenge!! Letting regret and grief die….yes it does allow room for joy. Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙂

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