Slow Down- Day 20

“This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:

“In repentance and rest is your salvation,

in quietness and trust is your strength,

but you would have none of it.”

Isaiah 30:15

Can you carve out space this weekend for rest?

Not a zoning out kind of rest, but a rest that nourishes your soul?

In the course of our week, it seems that “loudness and doing it ourselves” is our strength. What can you do this weekend to recalibrate to experiencing “quietness and trust” as your strength?

May these shortening days of sunlight usher us into Sabbath rest and rhythms this weekend.

I’m participating with The Nester in 31 Days of Noticing Fall. This is Day 20.

You can find all 31 Dayers here. There are so many wonderful topics.

If you missed any days in the series, you can find my posts here.


Linking up with Still Saturday, Fresh Brewed Sunday and Sunday Community

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  1. Patricia (Pollywog Creek) says

    I’m planning on storing up strength in the quietness and trust this weekend, as well, Melanie.

    God is good!

  2. Jody Lee Collins says

    This is one of my favorite verses. How that spiritual part of us–the repentance, the trust, the quietness and confidence–all contribute to our rest. Thank you for this reminder.

  3. Elizabeth, wynnegraceappears says

    Ah yes, slowing down. There is restoration and hearing Him in new ways when we stop spinning like top. I am a huge fan of moving more like a snail and less like a jaguar. Have a lovely slow weekend.

  4. Stefanie Brown (@stefanieybrown) says

    Not as slow as other weekends, but enjoying the peace that’s accompanying it.

  5. Kathy Schwanke says

    I love that verse. Quietness and trust is strength. Prone to striving and anxiety…but able to turn it all around in His Strength. 🙂

  6. Great photo…and words.

  7. Melanie, thank you for reminding me of this truth–this invitation for my heart to be restored and full, in Him. No other way. Bless you.

  8. Jennifer Richardson says

    quiet and calm and peace and stillness settling in around me
    as your words and image speak:)
    thank you,

  9. Oh friend, you are on the same page as me. I just put up Day 21 of my series and talked about quiet. Thanks for linking up!

  10. Such a GREAT reminder! <3 thanks for posting

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