Goodbye October, Hello November (Day 31)

We made it! I wrote for 31 days. You read for 31 days. We make a good team.

Writing the last day post seems the hardest of them all. Wanting to wrap up. Wanting to reflect. Wanting to share what I’ve learned, experienced.

When I look back at this past month, I love where this lovely path took us. Surprises around the bends. Trust from the trees who aren’t afraid to lose their leaves. God’s fingerprints in the beauty of Fall.

On September 29th. Rob’s parents visiting from South Carolina. I told my mother in law about the Nesters 31 Days.  We brainstormed about ideas. I said maybe I could write for 31 days on Spiritual Disciplines. She said, what if you wrote about Fall.

Yes. Yes, that is it. Fall as a season of the year. Fall seasons in our journey of faith.

That night I prayed. I drew mind maps. I thought of themes.

Fall with it’s back to school invitation. Routine. Rhythm.

Fall showcasing leaves falling. Dying for new birth. Our miscarriages.

Fall ushering in shorter days. Sabbath. Quiet.

Fall as the time to harvest. Gathering the fruits of our labor.

With that framework off we went. Each day wondering were the tapping on this laptop would lead.

I had my road-map. But God would say pause here. Linger in this scene a  bit longer. Turn here. Pass on by that.

The words of Proverbs rang true. “In her heart a woman plans her course,
but the Lord determines her steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)

Poems. Recipes. Scriptures. All adding richness to the landscape.

The discipline of writing has been good for my soul. Letting out all that swirls around in me. Of writing when I have lots to say. Of writing when my voice feels strained.

Engaging. Connecting with you. Knowing God meets us in the space between us. He takes our words, our responses. Offered as a sweet worship to Him.

Tomorrow November comes.

October fully embraces us in fall. November sign posts of winter ahead. November reminding us of thanksgiving and gratefulness that October prepared us for.

Goodbye October. We take your lessons with us. Burying them deep. Waiting for them to bloom in spring. Thank you for the journey.

And thank you all for reading. Encouraging. Sharing trials. Leaning in towards hope. I’ll be back to write again, in December!

Edit: I posted this and then remembered I wanted to ask:  What have you noticed about fall? about God? about the journey these last 31 days?

(I am kidding about December. I’ll actually be back on Friday. My roommate from the Allume conference has an Ebook coming out. And I am privileged and excited to preview it.)

I’m participating with The Nester in 31 Days of Noticing Fall. This is Day 31!

You can find all 31 Dayers here. There are so many wonderful topics.

If you missed any days in the series, you can find my posts here.



The above picture is from Cindy Ford. When I was thinking of an image to capture saying goodbye to October, this one came to mind right away!

I love her pictures and am grateful for her sharing so many with us on this journey. You can find her photos here.


  1. Stefanie Brown (@stefanieybrown) says

    Congratulations on completely 31 days. What a treasure, what a commitment! I’ve loved your posts and now have a sweet voice to hear as I read. It was amazing meeting for “real” at Allume. I pray it’s one of MANY opportunities we have to cross paths.

    Have a beautiful evening, my friend!

    • Ahh Stefanie- thank you! And congratulations to you too for your 31 days.
      Do you know how many times your name and how encouraging and caring you are was mentioned at Allume? Infinitely many 🙂
      Thank you for sharing your gifting, online and in real life.
      Hope to see you before next year’s Allume.

  2. Jennifer Dougan says

    Congratulations on finishing your 31 days of fall themed posts. That’s a sense of accomplishment, I bet. 🙂 I too enjoy the beauty, cool, and freshness of fall.

    Re your comment, thank you, Melanie. Your encouragement makes me smile this evening.

    Enjoy your kindergartner. They are so precious and it goes by so quickly.

    Jennifer Dougan

    • Thank you Jennifer! I didn’t know for sure where it would go. I enjoyed the adventure with God.
      Glad we have crossed paths!

  3. Oh no, the 31 days are up!!! I will miss reading you, your words have brought tender moments to my soul…..thank you for sharing your thoughts and your heart with all of us……love you

    • Oh, thank you Sue. I’m grateful to know the impact of the words. Thanks for helping me get off the ground with the 31 days. Love you!

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