Off Season in Hidden Valley

The chairlift sitting empty over bare land, patches of snow here and there.  Cabins and condos with darkness in their windows. No sounds of cars around.

They all confirm my husband and I are vacationing in off-season of our mountain get away. Although not being used for it’s intended purpose, it invites rest and peace to us.

On our way to dinner I say “We are in the off-season in a place called Hidden Valley. And yet He sees us.” For some reason it makes me smile and let a few tears release.

“He doesn’t miss a trick, does he?” My husband replies.

No he doesn’t. Not ever.

Not one single tear has fallen that he has not seen. Not one single person feeling alone in their off-season of life that he has not been present. Not one moment of seeking cover in a hidden valley that he has not pursued.

It’s an eerie peace. Seeing this beautiful place empty. But God says, “I’m here. When no one else is. I am here.”

Do you feel like that? Living one place, while all your friends, your family is living in another season of life?

My off seasons of life click-through my mind, like scenes through a child’s view-master. Being 30 and single. Leaving behind a job my MBA offered, not sure that others comprehended. Becoming a mom (in the everyday sense) at age 40.

In the moment of those times, I didn’t appear to be living into what those seasons of life were “suppose” to be. Yet the panoramic view that years give me, show me how awe-inspiring the beauty of their off-season timing was.

Off seasons that gift us with more than good rates, they bestow us with training and breathing room and a greater dependence on Him.

Last Thursday, we came down a typical western Pennsylvania hill. Twisting, not knowing what lies ahead. Off the road, through trees we follow our directions. Truly a hidden valley to buffer us from the world.

I recall the times I’ve wanted to vanish from God. To be hidden completely from Him. His word says we can not hide. If we stand up or lay down. He is there. He is there. But his pursuit is sweet when my soul most needs it. His pursuit in those hidden places is for restoration and renewal.

Letting me be hidden from the world. Protecting, providing and strengthening. Never hidden from him.

He is with us. In season. Out of season. In plain sight. Or in a hidden valley.

He is with us. When I feel like a child skipping hand in hand with him. He is with us in my dark nights of the soul when none of my pleading summons his response.

One day his with-ness will have the curtain drawn back.  One day I will see as clearly as today on top of the mountain in Laurel Highlands, looking down on Hidden Valley in this off-season. One day “he will come. With divine retribution he will come. And the lame will leap. And the eyes of the blind will be opened. And deaf ears unstopped. Fearful hearts will be made strong. And water will gush forth in the desert places.” Activity bursting in the off-season. Fully, beautifully visible in the hidden valleys.

May the eyes of our hearts be enlightened today that we may partner with the places where this kind of Love is breaking through.


Linking today with On Your Heart Tuesday, Soli Deo Gloria and Grace Laced Mondays.

{top image credit}


  1. Have a very blessed thanksgiving.

  2. Dear Melanie
    Thank you! I am having a bad time pain wise and this truly is a blessing!

  3. “He” was with me today as I was able to link into this file (so very often I am not, computer virus, who knows) to read these beautiful words. My feelings exactly!! We all need to have the faith and strength to realize that today is simply a one puzzle peice in the whole puzzle of our lives. And when you look back over the off seasons of life one can certainly see all the good that has come from it. Tears may be for today but laughter is right around the cornor. “He” is always there to see us through and we are always strengthened and enriched because of “Him”:) Thank you God!!

  4. Elizabeth @seasonswithsoul says

    Melanie: You make some lovely connections between the literal and figurative, between Hidden Valley, the physical place, and the hidden places in our hearts.

    Though I too live near Hidden Valley (and we used to ski often–before kids–at its neighbor, Seven Springs), I’ve never visited it off-season, though it’s a wonderful idea and the photo is beautiful!

  5. Melanie! You are such a gift! And what a gift you have with your writing! I loved the way you connected everything… I have never thought of “off-seasons” before though I have certainly been in some.

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