Christmas Light Wonder

Last night we drove to meet my in laws for dinner. They were up from South Carolina, visiting a treasured great aunt who is most likely drawing her last breaths here on earth.

From the back seat were exclamations of “Wow. Look at those lights!”

I smile at his unbridled excitement that Christmas lights bring. The wonder of it all from his eyes.

I remember how much as a child I’d love piling in the car, often in pjs to go look at lights. Heading to a neighborhood known in our New England town for putting on quite a display.

“Those are the most beautiful ever. Look candy canes!”

And so it goes for our forty minute drive. Childhood wonder. Delight.

We sit at the Iron Bridge Inn, decked out for Christmas.

We talk of death. Of life. Of Christmas lights and our new puppy.

The wonder of it all. 93 years coming to an end. So much to look back on. 5 years of life just beginning. Discovering, so much newness to see.

Like Mary, may I treasure up all these things. The width and breadth and depth of this life. The new life that His life ushers us into. And may I this month, ponder it in my heart. The wonder of it all.

Participating in Lisa Jo’s 5 Minute Friday.  Write for five minutes- no over thinking, no backtracking.  Link back.  Encourage the person whose link is before yours.

Read more here

Prompt today:  Wonder.

Last one until January!


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  1. Paula Barnett says

    In wonder of the “width, breadth & depth” of all! Choosing to see the majesty. The glory. As I child go I…
    Thank you, Melanie, for sharing the light!

  2. Christmas lights do seem to give us the joy of looking at life through the eyes of a child. We have carried on that tradition with our children, and now our grandchildren. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Elizabeth, wynnegraceappears says

    Melanie, this reminds me so deeply of lights and light and viewing them from the station wagon with my family. Oh how I hope none of the wonder is lost on me this season… oh to be child like and Mary-like and most especially more Jesus Like this Christmas season. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Beautiful post, now the 4th in a row I’ve read about seeing the wonder in children. Definitely a theme for me today 🙂 Thanks for being part of it. Great post!

  5. I LOVE the wonder of Christmas through a child’s eyes. Gibson is 3 this year and as we drove around the other night, he kept saying “this is ‘mazing!” and I realized that he was really experiencing the wonder of it all for the first time!
    Great post, Melanie!!

  6. Christy @ A Heartening Life says

    Children do “wonder” so well, don’t they? Sometimes wish I would pause long enough to marvel like they do. I will take the encouragement you are giving to yourself and try to “treasure up all these things. The width and breadth and depth of this life. The new life that His life ushers us into.” Thank you for sharing your words!

    Christy @ A Heartening Life

  7. Hi Melanie
    What I sooo… enjoy today on the theme of wonder is the beautiful stories I read where you ladies give us a glimpse into the hearts of your children. Oh, that is a wonder in itself.. the innocence of childhood! You are a precious mommy.
    Bless you, sweet friend

  8. One of our favorite traditions is driving around looking at the Christmas Lights! Even though our ‘baby’ drives now herself – we will pile in the car, grab something hot and yummy to sip, and drink up the wonder and beauty of the season! Thanks for posting… praying for your family!

  9. I love those exclamations from the backseat! We’re kicking it into high gear tomorrow night with our town’s celebration with madrigals, pony rides, the Clauses, a tree and live nativity. Hoping I catch some of that wonder. 🙂

  10. Stefanie Brown (@stefanieybrown) says

    *Sigh…* One of the greatest gifts as a mom is living life through the eyes and wonder of our children. What a beautiful example of that you’ve given us:))

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