OneWord 2013- Stand

The beautiful canvas blocks displayed on the counter. Colorful. Inviting.

I was at my first women’s retreat since my husband had come on staff at the church. I suppose that is important to say since in some recess of my mind, I was thinking of what they were thinking of me.

The artist had taken a list of names attending and painted each initial. And along with that initial, a word.

I sat at my table where I could see the “M”s. I smiled looking at the words. And then I saw it.


The thought whispered across me mind:

“Take that one.”

Oh no. You see I am much more of a Rest person. Or Renew. Those fit me. But the invisible arrow pointing to Stand was blinking.

So I said to God, “I’ll hold back. Let the other women go first. And will see what is left.”

I suppose I was hoping that Stand would be taken. Or perhaps even if God really wanted me to take that one, He would have it be the only one left.

But alas, the other ladies whose name start with M were even slower than me. All twelve Ms were still there.

God was going to get his point across. Having me to make a stand in selecting Stand. The sense in me was so strong. I couldn’t disobey.

Feeling like a fish out of water, I grabbed Stand.

Since that day it has graced my desk. Looking pretty. But I knew God wanted more from it. From me. For the shape he has been molding me into.

A week ago I began to sense how I might discover what the more might be.

First I heard of Alece’s OneWord. My mother in law for a while has selected a word for the year. I was familiar with that. My husband and I each year together select a verse. I was in familiar territory.

But as I read others accounts of their words, I knew it was time to Stand.

Second, I saw that Melanie at Only a Breath was creating and giving free buttons. I have discovered that for this person who likes to rest and reflect, having goals and buttons and structure goes a long way!

I was in.

My hope is to pray. To notice. To journal. To be surrendered to and open to what God may teach and reveal through the word Stand. Around the 15th of each month I’ll share what’s been stirring in my soul in this regard.

For now the Rich Mullins song comes into my mind:

“So if I stand let me stand on the promise that you will pull me through.

And if I can’t let me fall on the grace that first brought me to you.”

What is your word for 2013?


  1. Love it……made me smile reading how it came about……….I eagerly look forward to watching the word play out in 2013.

  2. Diane Harris says

    Taking your lead Melanie, I’m starting 2013 with my word from the women’s retreat = KNOW! I want to focus on what I know and to know, not hope that God loves me, He won’t forsake me and that I am His daughter and a princess warrior for Him!

    • Diane- I didn’t remember seeing the word “know”. You will have to let me know how it unfolds throughout the year!

  3. Amy Tilson says

    I love that your word is RED on your button! That’s such a bold color much like standing is the bold action. I’m very excited to see where you journey holding hands with this stationary word. It will be a grand adventure I’m sure! To stand does not necessarily mean to be still in life!

  4. Nancy Smith says

    Love this word! And I’m going to love seeing where it takes you this year on the path the Father has for you!

  5. Beth Zimmerman says

    It’s a blessing to meet you! Love your word and thank you for taking time to visit and leave a comment on mine. =)

  6. Oh I love how you chose your word (or how God chose it for you). So glad we met and can’t wait to hear how you ‘Stand’ in the new year. Blessings! πŸ™‚

  7. Diana Denis says

    I am so excited for you. It seems when we are least comfortable we are more likely to rely on Him more to guide us in our journey. Be blessed as He moves you from your comfort zone into bold, new territory where you can hide comfortably in His shadow because He will be the center of attention.
    Happy New Year Melanie!

  8. Rebecca Jo says

    Makes me think of the Avalon CD by that name πŸ™‚ Stand strong my friend in the year with God by your side πŸ™‚

  9. Lynn Morrissey says

    What a wonderful word: Stand! There are so many meanings and so many verses in the Bible using this concept (or a variant thereof, like standing). One of my favorite is this: He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights.
    2 Samuel 22:34.
    May He make *your* feet rise on the heights of His purposes for you in 2013.
    God has give me the word *vision*. I am praying for Him to open my eyes to truth, beauty, and His purposes for me. I am asking Him for His vision for this junture in my life’s journey. Maybe I will *see* you as you *stand* on the mountain top. I pray so!
    Lynn Morrissey

    • Lynn- I love that Samuel verse…I’ll have to meditate on that in these coming months. Can’t wait to see how our words might intersect. Thank you for your prayers!

  10. What a neat story. πŸ™‚ I love hearing about the little ways that God speaks to each one of us. Great post, Melanie! Can’t wait to read about what it means for you to stand. Blessings.

  11. I have been praying about my “one word” for a few days now…still do not have one!

  12. I had to give a lot of thought and prayer into what my word for 2013 should be. I had a lot of words that quickly came to mind that I would like it to be, but that is not the point so I immediately pushed them to the side and asked God to reveal to me the word that I need to mediate upon. I do not have any idea what 2013 will look like, but He does. The word He has given to me is Listen. So, I hope to be faithful in the coming days and months. I hope to find myself listening. Listening to God and to those around me. My prayer is that it will be with my heart and not just my ears. Thank you Melanie for sending me on this little journey this morning and therefore finding my word. Have a Blessed new year!

  13. I’m excited for you as you are taught by the Lord exactly how it is that He wants you to stand! He always knows us so intimately that I know He has very specific things in mind for you. Will look forward to hearing the ones you feel led to share. πŸ™‚

  14. I’m so excited to see how it is that God wants you to “stand”, Melanie. He knows us so intimately that I know He has specifics in mind for you. Will be checking back to see what you feel you can share!

    • Thank you Dianna! In these first couple of weeks God has definitely been showing me places where I don’t stand. Thank you for journeying with me.

  15. I found your blog through the OneWord365 Community. What a beautiful way to receive your word. Praying that God will give you strength to stand. May you be amazed at all that He does in your life.

  16. Beautiful word and beautiful story! My word is heart, I want a heart that reflects God’s.


  17. Christy @ A Heartening Life says

    I love the idea behind the box with the initial and word. Thank you for sharing that story! I especially like that it is not an “obvious” word. It will be fun to see what God has planned! I chose the word “fruitful”. Hope you are well!

    Christy @ A Heartening Life

    • Thank you friend! Yes, it is not an obvious one, not one I would have picked. Praying with you on the unfolding of a fruitful year.

  18. says

    I’m focusing on being Intentional. But, I look forward to reading about how God chooses to help you Stand this year! And, as a fellow M, I had to chuckle at your “hanging back to see if others might take the word stand first”. I’m fairly certain that would have been my inclination as well. .

    • Intentional and stand seem to have a lot in common.
      I love your picture….and seem to remember visiting your blog- maybe a five minute friday?
      Yep, just checked- it was the miniseries Roots that I am remembering πŸ™‚
      Happy new year!

  19. It will indeed be interesting to see where this takes you! My word was a bit of a surprise to me as well… Kind of out of the blue but where do I go from here. God likes to stretch his children. Bless you!


  1. […] A few weeks into the year, here are some of the thoughts stirring in regards to my word for 2013- STAND. […]

  2. […] Today what is best is to Stand. Yes there it is again. My word for the year. […]

  3. […] Stand. It is the word God gave me at the beginning of the year. To not β€œsit”, to not give up. To not β€œrun”, getting ahead of Him. But to wait, to be With Him. […]

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