Rainy January Transitions

I was sitting on our front porch. Journal in my hand, it is one of my most peaceful ways to start a Saturday. Atypical warm weather just a week after snow fell and fell. Snow that had quieted our busyness. Now warm currents created a misty, foggy day. Springlike smells in the air.

Now only patches of snow remain. And it’s not pretty. Now icy, dirty. It doesn’t draw you into stillness the way a fresh blanket of snow does.

I sat and thought about transitions. Mid January snow melting. Trying to trick me into thinking spring is coming. It’s not. Not yet.

Sometimes transitions are beautiful. Like that first big snowfall. Inviting us to a new season.

Sometimes transitions are ugly. Like the dirty snow holding on in our yard.

Sometimes transitions come at their proper time. Like in March. When it really is time for spring to display its beauty.

Sometimes transitions come too early or too late. Like this weekend’s weather, not at its proper time.

And God’s word tells us “there is a time for everything. And a season for every activity under heaven.”

Father, help me live into transitions. Ugly snow melting. Too early. Knowing spring isn’t coming. Not yet. You in it all.

What transitions are you living through right now? Are they welcomed or unwelcomed ones? Do you believe He makes everything beautiful in its time?


Linking today with The Better Mom , Grace Laced Mondays, Playdates at the Wellspring and Hear it Sunday, Use it Monday and Just Write


  1. Diane Bureman says

    Love this Melanie! Very evocative, thanks!

  2. I struggle to live in transition. I always want to push through and miss the lessons learned in the journey. Praying for grace to receive with joy each transition I face.

    • Christina- Me too! I often want to hurry and have what ever is going to be next to happen. Praying for us both to notice the gifts in the midst of the transition.

  3. This is beautiful, Melanie, and really spoke to my heart. Yes, God makes everything beautiful in its time! Blessings, friend!

    • Your words mean a lot. And you know a lot of transition times. Glad I get to see glimpses of all that he has made beautiful in you.

  4. Dearest Melanie
    It still is strange to me to read of you guys having snow this time of the year when in South Africa we are sweltering in the heat! Transitions are never easy, my friend, whether they come timely or not, don’t you think! So nice to see your beautiful smile again!
    Much love XX

    • Hello my other side of the world friend!
      My husband lives well in transitions….me- not so much. And yet I have learned and grown so much in those times.
      How are you feeling?

  5. Billie Brink says

    It is always refreshing to ponder in my heart your eloquent writings. This one, in particular, has me thinking, oh yea! My word for ‘transition’ is “changepoints”, yes all one word, since when you’re in the middle of transition, life all runs together!

    • Thank you Billie. I would love to ponder things face to face with you someday!
      Yes life all runs together…I like that “changepoints”.
      Your words are a blessing to me.

  6. Ashley @ Draw Near says

    Melanie, I really appreciate this message today. The melting of snow and unseasonable warmth — what a great metaphor for things not going just as we imagine. Yes, God makes everything beautiful in its own time, even if it does not seem beautiful. I’m pondering this as we finish up the last half of the school year and the last school year I’ll have with a little one at home. That place of wanting to soak it up, feeling some sorrow, some fear and even a little excitement about the new season when its time comes. I need to remember there’s much to come before that time, and when we’re at that place, God will be there, too.

    • Ashley- Thank you for sharing how these words impact where you are. Praying with you and your girls in all that is and all that is to come.

  7. Lots of transitions happening in my corner of the world. Thank you for sharing your story and reminding me that there is a season for everything. I’m so glad to know we have the assurance God is with us always.

    • Malisa- The last few years were ones of what seemed to be constant transition- which is a challenge for me. Praying with you as you navigate it all, and that the reality of God’s presence be strong.

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