Not Sitting. Not Running. Standing!

A few weeks into the year, here are some of the thoughts stirring in regards to my word for 2013- STAND.

As I prayed, imploring what does it mean to stand, a whisper came: It is not sitting. It is not running.

Well that is helpful, was my first response. But as I thought more about it, realized how much it does help to define something by knowing what it is not.

Immediately our journey to parenthood came to mind. I’ll explore this more over the next months. But my first inkling was:

In our struggle to become parents, in our losses through miscarriages, to sit would sound like this: “I never really wanted to be a mom.” or “I should have known better than to hope for this.”

In both of those statements there is a sense of giving up. Of denying what my heart most wanted.

And in the same scenario, to run would sound like this: “I am going to make this happen, I deserve to be a mom.” and “I will research and gain all information and knowledge and not rest until it is accomplished.”

In those statements there is a sense of entitlement. Of running on my own strength and abilities.

So in moments similar to this in life, what would it mean to Stand?

The verse I was drawn to:

“You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you.” 2 Chronicles 20:17

While I’ve read this verse several times in the past, something different jumped out. God has told them “you will not have to fight”. But then proceeds to say “take up your positions.”

Isn’t it interesting He told them to get ready, to get in place, after he had just said they won’t have to fight?

I suppose He could have said “go on home, I’ve got this one covered.” He did have it covered, but yet they still have a part to play. To stand firm.

Not to sit– complacent while the battle is fought. Not to run– to storm ahead and win the battle on their own strength.

Take up your positions and stand firm.

So this, my friends, is where I find myself. Fifteen days into the new year. Inquiring of God:

What are the areas of my life where I am sitting and you are calling me to Stand?

And where are the areas of my life where I am running and you are calling me to Stand?

My heart cries out, come on 2013, I am standing and ready for you.  Ready with an active dependence on Him.


Linking with Here it on Sunday, Use it on MondayTitus 2 Tuesdays and WIP Wednesday

Linking up today with Melanie at Only a Breath. Go take a look at all the beautiful words….and if you have your OneWord, link up too!






{top image credit}


  1. Diane Bureman says

    So good, Melanie. So good!

  2. Amanda Conquers says

    This is beautiful Melanie! I love how you show what sitting, running and standing look like. Wow! I love the verse you use. I am so writing that one where I can see it. Thank you so much friend! 🙂

    • Thanks Amanda for letting me know how it impacted you. I know you as someone who Stands- with God, waiting for his direction and following. So grateful to do this blogging/writing journey with you!

  3. What a beautiful and at the same time challenging perspective, Melanie! My favorite verse is 1 Corinthians 15:58- Stand firm, let nothing move you… and it is what came to mind as I was reading this. I love this challenge to trust in God and to be faithful to what He is calling us to. Thank you, my friend!

  4. Oh yes…this is fabulous. Not the word I chose but I’m going to sneak it into my life anyway. I have a lot of standing firm to do this year but my first instincts are usually to fight or panic. Just stand. What a great reminder. Thanks for sharing.

    • Heather- me too…I was thinking of situations in my life and yes, I either fight it or back away.
      Praying with you in all the standing firm you will be doing this year.

  5. Oh, I was a runner for decades. When I finally realized the error in that, I sat. Apparently, I need to try all the positions before settling into the best one. (Not a surprise to my husband who has made fun of me for changing seats at so many events over the years.)

    Wonderful word choice!

  6. Dear Melanie
    I might be wrong, but I think that although we often do stand, our hearts and minds are racing like the Grand Prix! Might it be that your standing still should be in your heart, just there in your Lord Jesus, being quiet in Him, allowing Him to do the do’s and you to just be? I went through a stage like this!
    Hugs to you

  7. Really good post.

  8. Julie Sunne says

    What an interesting take on the word “Stand.” You gave me much food for thought today. Thanks!

  9. Oh My! What a wonderful post! thank you for sharing.
    It’s similar to what God’s been speaking to me – “hold your peace” in Exodus.
    I like your correlation between the three – stand, sit and run. It’s awesome!


  1. […] Stand- “Thank you Father for the fun days with my son. Thank for the way you’ve made my soul, […]

  2. […] of the year. To not “sit”, to not give up. To not “run”, getting ahead of Him. But to wait, to be With […]

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