Manna, Again.

We get up. Take the puppy out. Again.

Have breakfast. Wash dishes. Get dressed. Again.

School happens. Toys get played with. Books reread. Floors vacuumed. Toys picked up. Again.

Check that homework gets done. Backpacks ready. Groceries stocked. Again.

Our weekdays, mostly the same.

I use to think I’d reach a level of faith where patience easily flowed. Or peace would always prevail. A one time event.

But He teaches me the principle of manna. Coming to Him for sustenance. Again.

A one time washing of dishes doesn’t mean my dishes will never be dirty again. A one time vacuuming of my floors doesn’t mean dirt doesn’t get tracked in and crumbs don’t fall. And Christmas packages with styrofoam don’t get opened.

On the mornings before the house is awake, I come to him. Again. I surrender my day. Again. I ask that the Holy Spirit have reign and His fruit be displayed. Love, joy, peace, patience (yes especially that one!), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (yes especially that one too!).

He is there. Again.

He provides. Again.

He is with me in every moment of the day. Again and again and again.


Participating in Lisa Jo’s 5 Minute Friday.  Write for five minutes- no over thinking, no backtracking.  Link back.  Encourage the person whose link is before yours.

Read more here

Prompt today:  Again.


  1. Beautiful.

  2. You are SO right about God providing and being there again and again. LOVED this! (and I loved your precious pictures). Stopped in from via Five Minute Friday.

    • Hi Sheila- Thank you. Grateful for him being there again and again. Enjoyed visiting your place again today 🙂

  3. Yes, yes, again and again…..thank you

    • Thank you Sue. It sure is an again and again thing. Different seasons of life, different stories. But a God who never changes. Love you guys.

  4. I agree with Denise, beautiful.

    Again and again on our knees before God, living for Him.

    • Thank you Heidi! Again and again on our knees…yes. I’m going to head over to your place- glad we were next to each other today!

  5. richelle @ "our wright"-ing pad says

    i had to smile as i looked at the pictures while reading your text!

    loved thinking about manna…

    • Richelle- The pictures are fun to look at (now at least…it was a day’s adventure cleaning it up!) Parenting has definitely brought about seeking him daily like nothing else in my life.

  6. Diane Harris says

    Mel, you’d think He’d be covering his ears each morning with all us moms asking for something similar! Help through the drudge of it all. Didn’t Donna Reed and Mary Poppins make this all look so much more cheery and romantic? I try to focus on the privilege I’ve been given to mother and care for my husband and children. I try. It doesn’t always work 28 years into it.

    How’s that word working for you? Stand.

    • Diane- it is amazing that he can hear us all and remains steadfast. I love the focus of thinking of it as a privilege…it truly is.

      You’ll have to check out a post from last week on Stand- (Not sitting, not running, Standing) He surely does seem to keep bringing it about 🙂
      How is your word? Was it Know?

  7. Dear Melanie
    What a treasure your little one is with the vacuum! Yes, the again ness of everyday can leave one at times a bit despondent! I am glad that this world is not our home, but that we are looking forward to a new world.
    Much love x

    • Mia, yes he was quite something attempting to clean up the mess! I love how you always point towards a bigger picture, a bigger God. Can’t wait until that day. Thank you for always brightening my day 🙂

  8. Elizabeth, wynnegraceappears says

    Oh Melanie, I am munching on your words like manna for my day and I know this place of returning to the well moment by moment for sustenance. And for patience oh sweet patience. YES. Have missed your voice in my long time away from FMF. Glad to see your smiling face and your words on the page.

    • Elizabeth- your words are always so poetic, that is you! Did you write for FMF today? I will have to go check. I always am encouraged by those whose children have made it through childhood, and that you did too!

  9. Thanks Melanie, what a lovely post. Love the pictures that go with it too!

    • Thank you Rach! As i was writing, this moment came to mind. Ahh, how those peanuts multiplied. Happy weekend to you.

  10. And there is Curious George waiting to be picked up, hugged and loved. Just as God wait for us to be picked up by Him, hugged and loved.

    On Monday as I folded laundry for just my DH and I, I was talking to God and said “Lord, how many pairs of socks, underwear and towels have I folded again and again over the 50 years of marriage and 4 children. Later as I washed the dishes again, I thought about how big the pile would be if I stacked them up. Or how many times would they circle the vast world. Then a joy and gratitude washed over me that I have laundry to fold again and dishes to wash again. I find that in the mundane over and over again I have come to use that time to talk with Him about my gratitude and His will for me when I complete the mundane. Thank you Lord for both.

    • Shirley- First of all, I love that you noticed George there in the action 🙂
      Thank you so much for sharing…I love picturing all the dishes washed over 50 yrs of marriage, how high that would be.
      Thank you for reminding me of the joy that comes from this privilege- and for endurance to keep going.

  11. Love, Love, Love this! Thank you for the reminder!!!!!

    • Thank you Jami!! It can be so hard in the everydayness (not a word?) of life. Your three little ones are so blessed to have you as their mama!

  12. Becky Daye says

    Is this uncanny or what?!! Love it! So thankful for God meeting us and for the sustenance that is found in Him. What would we do without Him?

    • It seems we are experiencing life through the same lens….Yes, grateful for his sustenance in this season of life!

  13. Christy @ A Heartening Life says

    Like the dishes or the laundry that will get dirty and need to be cleaned again and again, as we are, needing to be renewed and refreshed by Him. I wish sometimes I didn’t have to do the mundane repeatedly. It’s gets tiresome, old. But how am I any different? Needing to come to Him again and again. Struggling with the same issues. Thankful His love and grace are always available to me. Thank you for sharing!

    Christy @ A Heartening Life

  14. Love this and that scene is all too familiar… BOY CHILD!!

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