
hands worship

“And on that day when my strength is failing
The end draws near and my time has come
Still my soul will sing Your praise unending
Ten thousand years and then forevermore”

The words to this song echo in my mind. Burst forth in my heart. They can’t be sung loud enough. Over a thousand have gathered for this man’s memorial service. An overflow in the parking lot outside.

As we sing, my husband leans over and whispers “I feel like we’ve been ushered into the throne room of God.”

It is true. There is something about this worship, this memorial that transcends our differences of a roomful of stories.

Our God’s country band. Our downtown traditional service choir. Our contemporary Crossfire worship team. All different styles- but this June afternoon it is one offering to our King.

They pack the room to remember our senior pastor. They pack the room to support his family. They pack the room to worship in the midst of heartache.

The tears in our eyes and the collective brightness of the room acknowledge that worship is more than lyrics and volume. More than robes or ripped jeans. More than me or you.

It is laying all of that aside and coming with hearts wide open. It is us meeting with the living God.

And with amazement we discover He wants to meet with us.


You can find the complete lyrics to Matt Redmond’s 10,000 Reasons here.

I’m joining Lisa Jo’s Five Minute Friday community.

The plan is to write for five minutes, no major editing, on a word, a prompt that Lisa Jo provides. This week’s word is Worship.

Read here to see all the places a word can lead.

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  1. Beautiful. Love the images this post brings to mind!

  2. Deb Weaver says

    “…coming with hearts open wide. It is us meeting with the Living God.” Yes. Thank you!

    Deb Weaver

  3. Diane Bureman says

    Oh Melanie, this brought tears to my eyes. That was such a powerful moment that defies description. Truly heart-driven worship from the depth of our souls. Like the angels were among us, singing with us. I’m sure the Bishop was deeply impressed with the true faithfulness of our wonderful church family in that moment. I know I was.

  4. Dear Melanie
    Your hsuband certainly was speaking the truth when he told you that it felt as if you were in the throne room of God. I think it is in Isaiah where our God says that He rejoices when His children come home to be with Him for eternity.
    Blessings XX

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