Noticing Early Mornings {Day 2}


Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Simon and his companions went to look for him,  and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!”

Jesus replied, “Let us go to the nearby village so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.”

Mark 1:35-38

One of my very favorite ways of reading Scripture is slowly, placing myself into the scene. Noticing the smells and sounds and sights.

I’ve read this above passage several times, but today something different struck me.

But before I tell you what stood out, I have to tell you this story of a morning a few days ago.

I arose early, about an hour before the rest of the house. I did so to have time to be with God. Time to prepare for the day. After I gathered my journal and favorite afghan, I thought “I’ll take a quick look at email first.” The quick look led to facebook which led to random web searches. You get the picture. The time of quiet never happened. I heard my sons footsteps come down the stairs and thought  “Oh no, I’m not ready for the day, I need some more rest. I need to reflect” The day feels hurried and rushed and it hasn’t even started.

I contrast it to the mornings when I keep the laptop closed. When the rich times with God occur. When the prayer and journaling and reading engulf me. Often simple. Peaceful. They fill me up, prepare me for the day. When I hear my sons footsteps coming, I have a sense of anticipation. Excitement that he is up. Ready for the day. Ready to greet him with a big hug. I’ve surrendered my day and the Holy Spirit shows up ready to help me be a mom.

With this in the background of my mind, I read the scripture with a new perspective.

I’m picturing Jesus up while it is still dark, seeking a solitary place. I wonder how long he prayed? When Simon and friends came looking, was it then daytime? Did they wake up at a more typical hour and say ‘where did Jesus go’?

And this is what struck me- Jesus seems ready for them. He doesn’t say, “I need some more quiet time”. Or “Oh no, here they come, I need some more rest.”

No, he had chosen to get up early to be with the One who gave him strength and power. His time with his Father prepared him.

No he was ready.” Let’s go. This is what I came for.”

May my mornings, even if it is only a couple of minutes, begin with a connection to God, so that I may have the calmness and fortitude to say “Let”s go. This is what I am here for.”



I’m participating with The Nester in 31 Days of Noticing the Moment. This is Day 2.

You can find all 31 Dayers here. There are so many wonderful topics.

If you miss any days in the series, you can find introductory and each days post here.

Linking with Hear It, Use It

{top image is from my friend Cindy Ford- she works as the graphic designer at our church and is amazing at capturing creation.}


  1. I can so relate. When I put my quiet time/devotions first the whole day goes better!

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