Set my heart free {Day 5}

DSC_0202-001Obedience and Freedom walking hand in hand.

They teach each other to dance, in the safety of their realm. They know here they are safe to express the beauty of their names.

They teach me to stop, to see, to notice- through his eyes and wisdom and ways. My soul expands and flows into the spaces they provide.

There is joy and dancing here. No restrictive legalism, these commands give life. They are for me. From a God who is good and kind.

A God who doesn’t sit on the side, waiting for a misstep. No, a God who runs with me. Waits with me when I’m tired. A God who never grows weary nor impatient of my fears of freedom.

Come follow me, he keeps inviting. Within his scripture and his tender voice, He sets our hearts free.

We follow the path. He enlightens the eyes of our heart. We notice along the way all the gifts he has left.


{this path is from our neighborhood to our sons elementary school. it feels known and loved and free to me.}

Linking with Still Saturday. and Playdates With God

563627_10202314131594229_1745417938_aI’m participating with The Nester in 31 Days of Noticing the Moment. This is Day 5.

You can find all 31 Dayers here. There are so many wonderful topics.

If you miss any days in the series, you can find introductory and each days post here.

Lastly, if you would like to receive this month’s series in your inbox, submit your email address in the box at the top right. You will receive an email to verify, once you link via that email, here they come.


  1. This is a beautiful picture, with the colorful Autumn leaves dispersed along the path, as if to say, “Come along and enjoy God’s creation!” The Lord’s paths of commands are truly freeing.
    Thanks for sharing from your heart!
    Ann @ Christ in the Clouds

  2. Dear Melanie
    Oh, I love dancing with our Beloved on the melody of His grace and freedom. What a great invitation He gives us when He invites us to follow Him!
    Blessings XX

  3. “A God who never grows weary nor impatient of my fears of freedom”…that line really speaks to me.
    Sometimes I fear good things as much as things I perceive to be bad.


  4. Becky Daye says

    Beautiful! I have been contemplating obedience and freedom just this week!!! This is a perfect way of seeing them interact. And now I have a lovely visual. Thankful for you and your words!

  5. HisFireFly says

    yes, this.
    obedience and freedom hand in hand.
    brilliant truth!

  6. Joanne Norton says

    Love the picture, love the Word. It is REALISTIC!! Full in my life. YES, HE set my heart free. Not much else counts forever and ever and ever…

  7. Patricia @ Pollywog Creek says

    Lovely post. We truly are free to obey – and it’s freedom that brings joy. God is good. Always. Thanks for linking with Still Saturday. Hope to see you there again for Saturdays to come.

  8. Nancy Sturm says

    It’s amazing how seldom we notice the beauty of the small moments, isn’t it? Oh for the willingness to see, appreciate, and to dance with joy! Thanks for the post.


  1. […] 5: Set My Heart Free (noticing in scripture and […]

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