The Creek Runs All Night {Day 17}


“It has always been a happy thought to me that the creek runs on all night, new every minute, whether I wish it or know it or care, as a closed book on a shelf continues to whisper to itself its own inexhaustible tale.”

Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

Do you have a favorite author? One with whom you savor their words, dive right into them?

Mine would be Annie Dillard. Without a doubt. It’s more than just liking how she writes. It is when I read her, I feel less crazy.

The way my poetic soul is made wakes up and is no longer shy.

My eyes that see water drops on leaves, want to open wider.

She sees. She sees slowly. She sees beauty. When I read her, I want to be right beside seeing the same things. No that’s not it. When I read her, I want to be right where I am right now, seeing what gets rushed by.

So much of my day, I throw away. I discount. I measure it against someone else’s ruler of value.

I want to notice the things that keep happening whether I see them or not. The workings of the world. The creek and the trees and the books on the shelf. They are all comfortable in their skin. They keep doing what they are doing.

The child covered in marker and paint from art day. A puppy who hears what I can’t and jumps to attention. My own heart seeking space and solitude.

That is where I want to offer my delight.

I rewind today in my mind. Searching for what I missed.

I don’t remember leaves nor sun nor children’s words. Not today.

Grace abounds. Grace reminds.

Tomorrow. I will join in.

563627_10202314131594229_1745417938_aI’m participating with The Nester in 31 Days of Noticing the Moment. This is Day 17.

You can find all 31 Dayers here. There are so many wonderful topics.

If you miss any days in the series, you can find introductory and each days post here.


  1. “So much of my day, I throw away. I discount. I measure it against someone else’s ruler of value.” how true this is……I look forward to the day that I enjoy to the fullest, that it was all valuable because it just represented me and the woman God made me to be not the one I think I should be. Great writing today…..I’ve read it a few times already ……..have a great day…

  2. Becky Daye says

    Ah, lovely! Annie Dillard is one of my husband’s favorite authors, so I know a lot through him. But I have never read her myself!!! I think I need to…
    I love your series, Melanie! I find myself working hard to notice- like the tree in our yard that can’t decide if it is summer or fall. And the contrast of the blue sky against white clouds. The exuberance of our boy as he tells us about Curious George going to jail. The way the baby girl’s eyes light up when she sees her brother.
    So, thank you! Being deliberate about noticing is a sweet blessing!

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