Noticing Laundry {Day 18}


This quote hangs in our laundry room.

When I open the washer to clothes that should have been in the dryer yesterday, or maybe the day before…I read my quote.

I go there. I imagine the piles gone. I imagine 16 years from now. So far. So close. So unknown.

Words have impact. These words shift my perspective.

It is our life lived. Dirty. Smelly.

It is a life enjoyed. Food stains and paint and grass from playing outside.

It is memories of marriage. Of shrinking favorite shirts. Of forgiveness.

It is our daily reminder of needs met. Of dependence. Of provision.

It is my touch to a favorite star wars shirt and prayers said for a tender six year old. It is unexpected pink joining our mix.

It is back to school and fall and new textures calling out. New seasons of life. Letting go. Embracing new.

It is some days being organized and on top of the to do list. It is most days not being and picking out outfits from the dryer.

It is simply our laundry. It is so much more.

It’s a sweet record of our messy, abundant, beautiful life. The one the soul knows intuitively when it touches a garment. My tangible reminder.

563627_10202314131594229_1745417938_aI’m participating with The Nester in 31 Days of Noticing the Moment. This is Day 18.

You can find all 31 Dayers here. There are so many wonderful topics.

If you miss any days in the series, you can find introductory and each days post here.

Also linking up with Five Minute Friday.


  1. Becky Daye says

    You did it again, Melanie!! Just beautiful. Love this take on it. And the unexpected pink makes me smile!

  2. Dear Melanie
    It feels like yesterday when my laundry baskets were like mountains calling to be conquered. And now the laundry basket doesn’t even look like molehill. Yes, dear friend, our children grow up faster than we would want to. My oldest even wants to get married in January.
    Great quote and thanks for your visit to my place.

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