Letting Them Fly…Even When I’m Afraid


It’s week four and she says to them as they hang on the edge of the deep end of the pool, “we are going to try something new today…”

From my bleacher seat, kindle in hand, I can’t hear the details as their dripping bodies get in line behind the swimming blocks. Constantly moving these six and seven-year olds.

I see my son take off his bubble. He’s never jumped in without it. As the first in line jumps in, she asks him if he wants to swim to the other end.

To myself I think, “Sam might try to jump in, but he won’t swim the whole way without his bubble.”

No quicker than the thought crosses my mind, from a few people back he replies to her jumping up and down, “I do! I do!”

When his turn comes, this confident boy climbs up. With a smile on his face and a quick glance in my direction, in he goes. There’s a lump deep in my throat as I wonder if he will come back up.

He emerges, and with determination off he swims, focused on the end of the pool. My intent gaze does not leave him. Alternating between pride as his new accomplishment and worry that he won’t be able to make it all the way. Not that many months ago this would have terrified him. Now he seems comfortable and me, not so much.

Roots and wings. That’s what I’ve always wanted to give him. Roots, that’s my strength. Lots of nurturing and traditions and love. Wings, not so natural for me. Not yet. Not when fear keeps me from it. Not when worry keeps me from it.

I want him to fly. Deep in my soul it’s true.

Later he tells me, “Mama, I was scared, but I wanted to do it.”

Maybe that’s part of it. Even when I’m afraid, encouraging him to fly. Because there is one that wants him to soar even more than I do.


Linking today with Five Minute Friday. Lisa Jo provides a prompt and off we go, no over analyzing, no over editing. Freedom to write. Today’s prompt is Fly

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  1. This parenting thing is hard!! Encouraging them to step out in spite of our mothering voice that says they might get hurt. Love your thoughts!

    hugs FMF Friend…your blog is super pretty!

  2. Reading your post brought to mind that as we age, that ability that we have as kids to conquer our fears tends to leave us. I know that I am more fearful and inhibited by that fear more so than my children are. They approach life with gusto and guts! My daughter rode her first roller coaster as soon as she was tall enough and you couldn’t pay me to ride one because honestly I’m afraid of them. Watching her have the courage to tackle all the new things in life reminds me that maybe I should reach down inside and find that brave child I once was and just “go for it”. Beautifully written – thank you for sharing.

  3. What a wonderful description of an ordinary activity, but not for the first time….I can just see it and I was rooting for him as I read it…..please give him a high 5 from Mamu…..

  4. Hi. Visiting from FMF. Oh, I can relate. Like coaxing my child to get on a pony for the first time or to not be afraid to try to hold his pencil right…and then he does it and he flew. Love your take on the word “fly” and it is hard to let them fly. Thank goodness for God’s protection and help to them and to us in this process.

  5. Dear Melanie
    Oh, I think our Pappa God also encourages us all through our lives to take those brave steps of faith!! Without Him being the wind beneath our wings, I don’t think we will ever be able to soar as high as eagles like He desires us to. Your son is growing up so quickly!
    Blessings XX

  6. Oh, friend! This is just beautiful!! I love this and I too am a little stronger on the roots end. But I think God in his grace allows our mama hearts to grow with our little ones and it becomes more natural to give them wings. Soar indeed!

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