Bound {Advent Day 2}


Bound. When I first saw this was today’s word, my thoughts went immediately to images of restriction. Tied up. Limited.

Then my son went to a friend’s birthday party this afternoon. At a bounce place. They bounced and jumped and squealed down inflatable slides. Their play full of leaps and bounds.

Lots of English words have multiple meanings that have nothing to do with each other. But it was interesting to me that two of the meanings of the word Bound, aren’t just different, they seem to go in opposite directions.

Bound: a limit, to confine

Bound: to leap, to spring

One is abounding, free. One is boundaries, holding back.

And then, then…I thought of the verse, “I run in the paths of your commands for you have set my heart free.” (Psalm 119:32)

Freedom within boundaries.

And so we continue to wait for the birth of Christ. For the one who will break all chains. For the one who will free the captives. For the one who will loosen oppression.

For the one I will bind myself to, knowing my fullness rests in Him.



ps This may reveal I’m a bit of a nerd, but I after writing I was researching the word bound and discovered there is a name for such words! It is contranyms. There aren’t many in the English language, but it is a category for a word that has contradictory meanings. There you go!


  1. Mary Gemmill says

    Melanie- I want to share something with you about this word; bound, but first may I share that your mother-in-law and I are in the same [in[courage group; She posted a link to your blog and I surprised her by saying that I have been a subscriber for some time now.
    I have prayed a prayer by Liberty Savard for years, with great results. She wrote a book explaining about this word.Shattering your strongholds:
    She [ and I] pray like this: I bind my mind to the mind of Christ, to the plans and purposes of Christ for my life, and I loose myself from all wrong ungodly thinking and patterns of behaviour. There is much more- email me for the whole prayer if it is of interest:

    I love the idea of being bound to Christ, as you have written: For the one I will bind myself to, knowing my fullness rests in Him.
    It gives a whole new perspective- and after reading your post today it made a connection in my mind. God Bless- love your writing ! Mary, New Zealand.

    • Mary- It just makes me smile thinking of you and Sue connecting through the (in)courage group!
      This word definitely had me thinking a lot. I love the thoughts you shared. I’d love more of the prayer…I will email you 🙂
      Have a wonderful day in New Zealand….would love to visit there someday!

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