Flood {Advent Day 5}


The journals flood my shelves.

The words flood my memory. Marking this life we have journeyed. Wrestling. Confession. Celebration. Questions. All recorded on these pages.

My treasure of words. Our words back and forth. Speaking and listening. The wisdom and comfort gleaned flood over my soul. They nourish and convict. They elicit laughter and a slow nodding of my head. Truth triumphs worry. Love, victory over my fears.

Grace and mercy have met my pen. Sometimes before the ink dries. Sometimes after my tears have filled page after page.

Remembrance once again building trust in the days that will come.

We remember together during Advent. We anticipate hope that will come. Those of us who live out our years in the “now and not yet”.

Redemption is rising. Nearing. Let the flood of grace and mercy carry us.

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