Spiritual Blessings


“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.”

Ephesians 1:3

I don’t know what this verse means. Not fully.

I wonder where the heavenly realms are.

And I long to understand more of the spiritual blessings.

But when I look at the ocean, I know it’s true.

All of it.

I’m alone on the beach with my thoughts and the waves and the heavenly realms.

A rainy New Years Day draws a different beach crowd.

Collectively we are alone and together in this beautiful symphony.

I stand in this secret place, not understanding it.

For a moment, not needing to.

Tomorrow I know the sand on my shoes will be replaced with snow.

Tomorrow I will enter into glimpses of other realms.

But today the ocean holds me a little longer.

A little stiller.

Every spiritual blessing.

Every one.

Linking this weekend with Still Saturday. and Sunday Community and Playdates with God 


  1. Can’t think of a better place to be with your thoughts.

  2. Linda@creeksideministries.blogspot.com says

    I’m with you, Melanie … winter on the beach has it’s own marvels, sights, solitude! I can’t wait to get back again …

    Stay cozy!

  3. Patty@heartshomeward.blogspot.com says

    Such a wonderful verse to ponder! Thanks for lifting my eyes upward.

  4. Shelly Hendricks (@Renewed_Daily) says

    Beautiful, beautiful! The words and the verse and the picture you painted resound in me.
    Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

  5. Nancy Sturm says

    Even though I live in landlocked Kansas, I love to walk along the ocean’s shore, listening to the waves crashing into shore, watching the endless motion of the water, beholding our Creator’s majesty. Mmm…you’ve taken me there. Thanks!

  6. You make my heart breathe, my friend. I’m grateful.

  7. Janis@Heart-Filled Moments says

    There’s nothing like the beach for me to encounter the presence of the Lord. Especially when the beach is mostly vacated and I can pull up my knees and perch my chin there watching the rhythm of the rolling waves. I love how you have drawn us into the spiritual realms with your thoughts here and the Scripture.

  8. Melanie, the ocean is one of my favorite places to meet with God. What a Special place to start a new year! Lovely thoughts, friend much love to you.


  1. […] weekend’s verse and post was from from the coast of South Carolina. Ocean waves inviting me to the heavenly […]

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