The Strength of Silence


Quiet has eluded me recently. Actually for a while.

I miss it. I miss the multiplying effect it has on my soul. The way a few minutes of it builds margin for the day.

“In quietness and trust is your strength.”

 The voices shout opinions and the sounds stay loud, oh how I need His strength. The strength that is found in quietness.

“Only silence will allow us life-transforming concentration upon God. It allows us to hear the gentle God whose only Son ‘shall not strive, not cry: neither shall any man hear his voice above the street noise’ (Matt 12:19)” – Dallas Willard

As I write, a cocoon envelopes me. For a moment a buffer from the hum of my home.

And He honors this small offering. He stays true to his word. 

If He is for me who can be against me?

That’s the voice and the truth that today’s quiet whispers.

In this slice of quiet, of silence, my inner confidence grows.

The strength of silence. 

His grace.

Meeting me.

Linking with Still Saturday


  1. Beautiful words and so needed for my heart today! Thank you.

  2. Sandra Heska King says

    Praying for some good silence soaking, dear Melanie.

  3. Elizabeth says

    Beautifully written. Silence is balm for our souls. Your site is lovely and I’m glad I came over for a visit from Better Blogs.

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