

“My soul is downcast within me, therefore I will remember you from the land of the Jordan, the heights of Hermon- from Mount Mizar. Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls. all your waves and breakers have swept over me.”

Psalm 42:6-7

I stand near the bottom. Lost in its roar.

It is powerful.

I am small.

The thundering water coexists with the peace that surfaces.

I reach out to touch Him.

Awe sweeps over me.

And I know, even in danger, I am safe.

Linking with Sandra at Still Saturday

and Weekend Brew.

and #GiveMeGrace


  1. I LOVE this verse! It flows over my heart and reminds me of the extensive reach of our mighty God and gracious Father. He fills us and floods us deeply with His goodness and it is a consistent balm to my heart when I read this psalm, but most especially this verse. I am glad I happened upon your site tonight.

    • Dawn
      Thank you for sharing how the verse impacts you….I love the images you use. Fills us and floods us- yes.
      Grateful you found your way here. I haven’t been writing much this summer…and am enjoying getting back into the fall routine, which also seems to be meaning more writing and reflections!

  2. Lynne Childress http://sweetmidlife.com says

    I love the resolve that keeps us at the bottom of the waterfall waiting in the midst of our pain, instead of jumping into it. Beautiful picture of waiting.

  3. Beautiful! The photo and the verse are perfect words to remind us with whom our safety lies. Blessed to be visiting you from Give Me Grace.

    • Mary
      It is hard to feel safe when it feels chaotic around us….I often need the reminder of the safe place. Thank you!!

  4. Good thoughts and scripture..with a lovely waterfall. Thanks for sharing how God touches you. He is there, everywhere, all the time. Visiting from Give Me Grace. { P/S: My husband is from PA. Beautiful state!} Have a blessed week!

    • Hi Becky
      Thank you for visiting. I have always loved waterfalls…something of God’s power and closeness often strikes me.
      We have lived in PA (close to Pittsburgh) for about 3 years and am loving the beauty of it.

  5. Sandra Heska King says

    I can almost hear the roar of that water. May we be overwhelmed by Him this week.

  6. Joanne Norton says

    I’m a waterfall addict, and I truly loved this and connecting the Word to it. Thanks much!

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