The Beauty of Playfulness {Day 7}



We were on our way upstairs when he glanced out the living room window. At the same time we both saw that his neighborhood buddies were playing. He looked up at me, “can I go play?”

In a moment I am torn between ‘my plan’ for the night- my husband is at a meeting, tonight was going to be early bedtimes….and my heart- it is Sunday night ending a fun 3 day weekend and beautiful weather that I know won’t last much longer.

Yes” I say. And before I can add anything else, he sprints out the door. He stands in our driveway, almost as if he is wondering if they will notice him. In a split second I hear “Samuel’s out!” and the crowd descends. Flying in and then out of our garage. Scooters and bikes and plasma cars roar around the cul-de-sac. Shouts of ‘you’re it’ and loud laughs.

Plans and schedules are good and purposeful and needed. But tonight my heart knows it has chosen what is best.

A few minutes later, rather than heading out to tell him its time to come in, I grab my camera.



Wanting to capture just a bit of their playfulness. Of their zest for life and abounding energy. Full force. They enjoy. They play. And they create beauty in our neighborhood.

Beauty that is not hardened by cynicism. Nor diluted by false expectations. Beauty that is pure and sincere and full of grace.

The sun begins to set. Earlier and earlier this time of year. Infringing on their playtime. Talk of homework and bedtime and structure are itching to be heard. There will be time for that. But for now they play. And they teach me to play, to let go, to remember there is a time for both. There is need for both.

This is the beauty that interrupts, the beauty that fills my day.

PS  I have loved reading so many of the 31 Days of….series. Today I read this one on 31 Secrets for an Adventure Filled Life. Christy’s post today was on Be Interruptible. It helped me see today’s post through a different lens…and I even went back and added that last line about beauty that interrupts. The beauty of community.

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I am participating in The Nester’s 31 Days of Series. Click right here to see all the amazing topics!  I am writing on 31 Beauty Full Days.  You can read the intro post here.  And you can also always click on the button on the sidebar to see all posts in the series.

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  1. Made me want to be a kid again……oh the joy of carefree living…..

  2. Great post Melanie! Boy, childhood lasts but a moment doesn’t it? Sometimes I wish adults could treat each other more that way – more acceptance, more grace…and just enjoy life more simply! Have a great day 🙂

  3. Ah! You are TOO SWEET to link to my post. But oh my goodness, I loved this. I don’t have kids, but I can only imagine my plans would be even more complex if I did and harder to let go of, to allow the interruptions and embrace the change. Can I tell you how much I love that, instead of stopping the play, you grabbed your camera and reveled in it? This is something I truly want to emulate. No, this is not my plan, but I’ll enjoy it. Love this. Thanks for reminding us to do the same!

    • I so often don’t choose to grab the camera….but hope to more and more as I remember the value of it. Happy 31 days to you.

  4. ~Karrilee~ says

    Ah yes… thirst for an Abundant Life – how can it not include – prioritize, even – Playfulness! It’s good for the whole of us! Love this, Melanie!

    • HI Karrilee
      Abundant life…yes. That seems to be theme for me lately, more playfulness. Can’t wait to see where it will lead.

  5. Julie Willis-Jones says

    “And they teach me to play …” Thanks Melanie for reminding me that parenting is as much learning from your kids as it is teaching them. I believe God entrusted me with one of my daughters for her to teach me not to take life so seriously. – Julie

    • HI Julie
      Yes, that has been a surprise to me, how much I learn from them.
      With you as we journey in not taking life so seriously….


  1. […] {Day 7}          The Beauty of Playfulness […]

  2. […] you associate play with youthfulness? I wrote last week on playfulness and it does seem children have much to teach […]

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