Beauty in Rest {Day 16}


“There is more to life than simply increasing its speed.”

This week we have looked at Beauty in Work (here), Beauty in Play (here) and now today, Beauty in Rest.

Ahh, rest. Something that we long for. Something we know we need. Something we so often do NOT choose.

Probably of the three, rest is the one we intuitively think of as possessing beauty. And I would imagine, the one we engage in the least. Something that can feel counter-cultural in a busy, calendar filled world.

In the last 24 hours, I had a problem with my blog I had never encountered. I could not upload any new pictures. I love pictures. I love writing. I do not love figuring out if the file permissions on my wp upload folder via ftp are set correctly.

It consumed my time…and even more un-restful, my thoughts. I became fixated on figuring it out. Even in midst of running errands and being at my son’s school. I kept sorting through options and what had changed.

It was not lost on me, that the day I was preparing to write on rest, was very….un-restful.

Physical rest. Soul rest. We need both. We are made to receive both. Our limits revealed. Our bodies can not function without rest, not over the long haul. And our souls can not be fully alive without rest. Sleep. Reading. Walking. Scripture. Prayer. Each one calls out, I can not do this alone. 

My day revealed how much I need the One who never tires. Who will give me his strength. Who will nourish and restore.

But first comes choosing to enter his rest. Being intentional. Setting aside time. Creating margin. I sometimes run on thin margins. I can feel it, feel when my soul bumps into things and gets bruised too easily. When I am raw. Those are my indicators, “you need time alone”. Time in quiet. Even for five minutes. Sabbath moments. Letting his voice guide to true, soul satisfying rest.

Longer time eventually. But just five minutes for now. And I surrender. Turn over photo uploads and distractions. Turn over blog posts and spelling tests and a hundred other to-do’s. Turn over striving and expertise.

I come to Him tired. So tired. He who promised is faithful. And I laugh. Laugh at the weight I gave to one day without photos. A day that my mind is tempted to announce as the end of a writing career. But rest gives perspective. And truth. I am joyful at mercies that are new every morning.  Lighter that I am not carrying the world on my shoulders.

My writing becomes my process for this tiredness and emptiness. And it is here that He reminds me of the beauty of rest:

Beauty that… can only be seen in stillness.

Beauty that… is a whisper to the quiet soul.

Beauty that… speaks truth that the Sabbath was made for us.

Beauty that… buffers and protects our hearts.

Beauty that… shows up in white clouds in a blue sky as I peer through the sunroof.

Beauty that… quiets the distracting voices and helps you find the one that matters.

Beauty that… only needs a few minutes to be found, but multiplies.

Beauty that… invites Sabbath rest, where we step back and see it is good.

Beauty that increases trust…and trust that shows us more beauty.


Where is God inviting you to rest?
In the next 24 hours, can you find a half hour to rest? Intentionally resting, filling yourself with what is good for your soul.


blog button final 100I am participating in The Nester’s 31 Days of Series. Click right here to see all the amazing topics!  I am writing on 31 Beauty Full Days.  You can read the intro post here.  And you can also always click on the button on the sidebar to see all posts in the series.

Lastly, if you want to receive the series via email, enter your email address in the Subscribe box. Once you do, you will receive a confirmation email and after you verify it, you will start getting them!

{top image credit}



  1. Your soul, and mine, recognize a need for rest in similar ways, Melanie. It’s that deep need that everything in my busy-ness scrapes at- the raw- that tells me I need to rest. And seek the Giver of all things rest-related. I am feeling nourished from your series. Thank you for writing about Beauty from all of these important angles.

    • I like that phrase ‘my busy-ness scrapes at the raw’.
      Sometimes I listen to the indicators and sometimes I don’t. But eventually I will need to rest.
      That you feel nourished from this series is about the most encouraging thing you could say! I often wonder what my ‘goal’ is in writing. Deep in me, I think that would be it…for the one who reads to feel nourished.
      Thank you!

  2. Ah, rest, it sounds divine…I feel this deep need for rest. Rest of my body and soul, rest of my mind and emotions. Thank you for this wonderful post, Melanie!

    • Chrissy
      Yes, there are certain seasons where that deep need for rest feels so present.
      Thank you for your words and encouragement!

  3. What a beautiful post. And blog. I LOVE the story behind how you named your blog. Isn’t it cool that God really does hear and answer us?! Thanks for writing about beauty. I need to take your advice and rest….and read around your blog while I do! 🙂 Have a blessed day!

    • Hi Robin
      I am so glad you like the post…and the blog.
      And how the blog was named. Just the other day I was thinking I needed to rewrite that part- it was about the first thing I wrote on this blog.
      May you find rest today.

  4. While I recognize the need for rest, and even encourage others to do it more often, I struggle so much with it myself. I feel like there’s more I should be doing…or I’d feel “better if I just took care of [insert something small and trivial]… so thank you so much for reminding me how necessary, important and BEAUTIFUL it is to just rest.

    • Hi Christy
      Oh, yes…I am a big advocate of the need for restorative rest…but then don’t always do it for myself. May you find some distraction free rest this weekend- no to do list pulling you away.

  5. Your writing is so beautiful!! And this post on rest was so great. I have been taught a hard (but good!) lesson in rest this past year with a baby who still has yet to sleep through the night and is still up for hours on end at times. 🙂 When physical sleep hasn’t been available, I have been forced to find rest in Him in other ways. Through prayer, quiet times, blasting worship music to get through the afternoon, etc. It’s been hard, but so good. Can’t wait to catch up on your series!

    • Hi Megan
      Thank you so much for your encouraging words!
      Babies and children are such great teachers in this journey of faith. Of needing and depending on God when we are tired and at our wits end.
      I like your words ‘forced to find rest in Him in other ways’. Yes, different seasons look so different…and it is all good.
      Thank you for reading!

  6. Natalie Busch says

    “My day revealed how much I need the One who never tires. Who will give me his strength. Who will nourish and restore.” That’s me right now. On a regular basis. I am sorry you had a rough time with your blog post and in the middle of 31 days! That’s the worst. I am glad it looks like it’s coming together though. Last years series looks really great too!

    • Hi Natalie
      Yes, needing his strength, all the time.
      It took about 24 hours, but the pictures are good now…definitely my most challenging part of blogging.
      Thanks for your encouragement.

  7. We are very similar. Right now the Lord is calling me to rest in pursuing a career. I think He just wants me to BE for a while. To FEEL again.

    Thanks for the reminder.

    • Shelby
      That is big stuff….calling you to rest over pursuing a career. And yes, to just be is an important time. Praying for you as you feel again…and all that might mean.

  8. Rest – just what my soul and body are craving. And just what seems elusive in this stage of life. Thank you for the reminder that even 5 minutes can be rest.

    • Laura, yes craving is a great word. And then the challenge of how to fit it in. I agree different stages bring different challenges. And i am always amazed how God multiplies even 5 minutes.

  9. It made me feel restful just to read this. You are so right. We keep going and going when so much more can be accomplished by “turning it over” and resting. Thanks for the reminder.

    • Sharon
      It means a lot to me that reading it feels restful. A lot.
      Thank you for stopping by and for your encouragement.

  10. I am an introvert, so I NEED that time of quiet rest!

    • Melissa
      I am an introvert and understand that!
      I saw, on Pinterest I think, a quote that said “Introverts, our time alone is for your safety”
      My family needs me to have quiet, so that I can then overflow to them.
      Thanks for your continued reading.

  11. Mary Gemmill says

    Melanie I have REALLY enjoyed your thoughts about Beauty……thank you for inspiring me to find beauty all around me in my life.
    One from today is:
    Beauty in answered prayer, and a marriage saved.

    YOU are a blessing in my life…no wonder Sue loves you. xx

    • Aww, Mary, thank you!
      It has been a good practice for me in noticing what is in front of me, around me.
      A marriage saved…..that sounds miraculous and beautiful.
      Thanks for the encouragement and kind words.

  12. Your writing is so lovely and peace filled. Thanks for sharing this beautiful place to pause.

    • Renee
      I am so grateful this is a space to pause. I sometimes wish I was more of a ‘teacher’ in my writing…but God continually reminds me that a part of what I am to offer is rest. Your words help me to remember that.
      Thank you!


  1. […] {Day 16}         The Beauty of Rest […]

  2. […] places. Beauty in heartache, redemption and the both/and of life. Beauty of work, play and rest. Beauty in art, music and words. Beauty in the daily places of life- neighbors playing, chinese […]

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