Beauty in a Chinese Restaurant {Day 18}


211399523_52848fab77_b“I have an idea Mama. Let’s each go up to the buffet and try something we have never had before.” We are sitting at his favorite Chinese restuarant. I soak up the minutes and his chatter. Jumping from school to baseball to the food we are eating and back again. Its just the two of us and I know these moments will soon be gone and that ‘tomorrow’ I will be seeing him off to college.

But for today he is seven and his heart is full of recess conversations I can’t keep track of. I ask questions and I listen. Amazed at his story telling skills and his sense of humor. He tries his ‘new to him’ crab meat and declares it a winner. And I marvel at this boy who will try any food, but didn’t want to try to learn to ride his bike until “I know how to do it”.

Our night wasn’t planned this way, but spontaneity gave way and we find ourselves on a mother son date. And tonight I’m aware of wanting to hold on to it. Of letting the restaurant noise fade. Of focusing my whole attention on him.  Discovering what Eli and Brandon had for lunch and the newest Minecraft strategy. Knowing that these things that we discuss will someday be big things….and knowing to him they already are.

Then the fortune cookies come and I open mine:



“Why are you crying mama? Is this one of those times you get tears because you are happy?”

Happy and amazed. Seen and noticed. Believed by a Father who loves me. Trusted by a second grader who loves me. Depth of love reaching out to me on a random Friday night, at a restaurant in a small town. Goodness and beauty through words on a slip of paper.

Ah, yes beauty all around me. Surrounding me. And as I open my eyes tonight, this is what I see:

Beauty of a God who would care enough to give me encouraging words.

Beauty of knowing I’m doing what I’m made to do, right now.

Beauty of plans that change and surprise gifts come along.

Beauty of deep brown eyes that are my dinner companions.

Beauty that comes from the moments we can’t plan.

Beauty that is simple and kind and everyday.

Beauty that protects and fights for the heart of a little boy.

Sometimes I plan ahead what beauty I will see and sometimes God has other things in store. So a planned post is moved aside and I pray that I may keep my eyes open to his movement and to his beauty, staying in the moments he places me.

Linking today with Still Saturday. and Weekend Brew.

blog button final 100I am participating in The Nester’s 31 Days of Series. Click right here to see all the amazing topics!  I am writing on 31 Beauty Full Days.  You can read the intro post here.  And you can also always click on the button on the sidebar to see all posts in the series.

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  1. Thank you. An extraordinary time…you’ll cherish and build upon. “You and I times” are priceless!

  2. A great reminder to soak up each moment with the gifts we receive from God. Mine is 16 months old and growing up so fast. I love your fortune cookie. Sometimes I get so busy with life and things I think need to be done I forget to open my eyes and enjoy the moment i am living in. Not the same words, but that is what I think of when I see that.

    • Amanda…People always say it goes fast. And so many days it doesn’t seem like it. And then suddenly I wonder how a 16 month old is a 7 year old. Slowing down to notice the moments, so important…and often so hard to do.

  3. Debra Alexander says

    So encouraging! Sometimes we miss things right around us.

  4. This post touches me so. I am a boy mom. I love those mother/son dates! It flies by and soaking it in is so right. Blessings….

  5. So lovely!

  6. Love it when God does little things like this for His kids! Beauty abounds. 🙂

  7. Anita Ojeda says

    Ah, I love those grace note moments that ooze beauty and memories!

  8. One of my favorite posts ever of yours, Melanie! Both in the beauty of your words and how it resonates in my heart –and also in the beauty that radiates from you as you identify and embrace and enjoy who God designed you to be-playful, spontaneous at times, a noticer, a planner-yet not so much so that God can’t interupt, a very present mother, and a daughter who recognizes and very graciously accepts her Father’s gestures of love. Ahhh….i already viewed you as a beautiful blooming flower, yet somehow your bloom is opening even more fully and becoming more beautiful and more radiant and more vibrant! Simply beautiful, Melanie!!!

    • Oh Kristi, thank you so much. Thank you also for being on this journey with me….and for really seeing me and encouraging me and believing in who I am made to be.
      Your words mean a lot…right down to my bones.

  9. God speaks to me often through fortune cookies! Little surprises tucked away in crunchy goodness. Thank you for sharing!


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