Connected Beauty {Day 27}

Connected Beauty

If you have been following along, you know that on Mondays during this series, I have been posting what I’ve called Connected Beauty. Seeing beauty in our everyday lives through the lens of others. Here’s the introduction I included the first Monday:

Once upon a time Rob and I both took a Strength Finders test for a church planters assessment. One of my top strengths/values was Connectedness. Here’s an excerpt of the description:

“… you know that we are all connected. You have a unique ability to connect the dots between what is happening in the here and now with deep personal meaning. Yes, we are individuals, responsible for our own judgments and in possession of our own free will, but nonetheless we are part of something larger. You gain confidence from knowing that we are not isolated from one another. Sensitive to the invisible hand, you can give others comfort that there is a purpose beyond our humdrum lives. The exact articles of your faith will depend on your upbringing and your culture, but your faith is strong. It sustains you and your close friends in the face of life’s mysteries.”

Well, I had to look up that definition because I didn’t remember it. But what I do remember was one of the examples given those years ago. “When you eat a bowl of cereal, you mind wanders to thinking of the people who manufactured it. And soon you feel connected to everyone in the process and find meaning in each bite.”  And I remember thinking, “that’s unusual?”

I share that because I realize this ‘strength’ is a big part of why I like blogging.  To be connected to the people who share a similar heartbeat although we have never met beyond this space. And why I like Facebook. To be connected to people who have known me at different ages and stages, covering a map of the US with brightly colored push pins.

That first week I was enjoying pictures friends had posted on Facebook. Beauty. In an instant I was taken into their worlds. In an instant the beauty they had seen became an offering to me. Connected to each of these women from various places in my life. Each woman sharing something from her daily life that stopped her. Brought her to a pause. Called out to her to capture it. A snapshot that each of them said, in different ways, “I noticed this amazing beauty today.”

The phrase Connected Beauty came to mind. I couldn’t wait to share and decided this was something I wanted to do each week. Here are Week 1, Week 2 and Week 3. Sharing with you through the lens of others everydayness: the marvels we notice in our ‘getting kids to the bus stop, running errands, going to work’ kind of life.

As I conclude this last Monday of the month, I’m doing something a bit different. I’m sharing pictures from one person. One amazingly talented photographer. One who continually is opening my eyes to notice the beauty around us. Cindy Ford works as a Director of Communications at our church. I love looking at the world through her eyes and the ways God speaks to her through them.

You can find some more of Cindy’s pictures right here!

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Thank you Cindy for the privilege of sharing how you connect with God.

Our journey of writing and reading for 31 days is coming to an end. Thank you for your kindness and your comments!

(all rights reserved on above photos)

blog button final 100I am participating in The Nester’s 31 Days of Series. Click right here to see all the amazing topics!  I am writing on 31 Beauty Full Days.  You can read the intro post here.  And you can also always click on the button on the sidebar to see all posts in the series.




  1. This was really nice. I started blogging for some of the same reasons. I was starting to lose a lot of my friends and didn’t want to lose connecting with people.

  2. Jen @ Growing in Faith says

    Those are truly beautiful photos….I find it so easy to connect to the beauty of God’s creation when I head outdoors to photograph. There’s just so much to see, and I can never truly capture it! But I still feel so connected while doing so!

  3. What a great idea to show connected beauty! Love that description and the photos! Really good to have people who can open our eyes to beauty in everyday life from time to time…
    Have a great new week!


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