Barren Gratitude

November Space

“But there is always a November space after the leaves have fallen when she felt it was almost indecent to intrude on the woods…for their glory terrestrial had departed and their glory celestial of spirit and purity and whiteness had not yet come upon them.” 

– LM Montgomery (from Anne of Green Gables series)

Most of the leaves have fallen. The ones that remain are drying out. They hold on a bit longer, not yet ready to surrender. My heart has felt the same at times.

I’m feeling November-y today. The burst of fall colors fading. The gift of birth not yet upon us. Wrapping up writing every day for a month. Not yet sure where focus for new words lies. This in between space.

My son was home from school. A November kind of sickness I suppose. Not a full blown sickness, but enough to slow him down.

And so our whole household lets out a November sigh. But I know there is more to November, if we hold on till the end of the month.







At first glance, it seems these words that come to mind are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

But the truth is, I know their connection all too well.

It is these gray places that give us space to remember what we are grateful for. When things have been stripped away we can see clearly how much we already have. A barren gratitude that clarifies and focuses our hearts.

Will you join with me this November as I seek to give thanks?  Thanks in the gray and barren and times of change. Thanks for the harvest and abundance and provision. A grateful heart in all and for all.

As I look back over the last few days, my heart swells with gratitude for…..

Rob leading communion on All Saints Day this weekend.

Sam having a friend over and listening to their laughter.

Sunday lunch at my moms.

Friends that send encouraging texts.

A neighbor that brings over cupcakes…at just the right moment.

Trees that let me share their sorrow.

 At the end of each post this month, I will add on to my gratitude list. I would love if you join in too, just add in the comments what you are grateful for as you reflect back on your last few days.

{top image credit}


  1. Melanie, this is so beautiful and clearly states how I’ve been feeling. God is stripping away, things I’ve grown to hold on to, to be comfortable with. It is causing me two lean in a little closer. Thank you for sharing your heart.

  2. Lovely from beginning to end, but especially liked this sweet line, “And so our whole household lets out a November sigh.” And the site is rather pretty too.

  3. A friend sent me this link this morning- just at the right time.We are in a period of waiting for news in our house over these next couple of weeks and this post grips very well where I am just now.Submerged gratefully in His love and with eyes and heart wide open to every little beautiful experience that comes from our amazing God.

  4. Susan Shipe says

    Oh yes, you have captured November perfectly in the lens of your pen (keyboard sounds so unromantic!), I, too, feel this November sigh every year. And, funny thing, November holds good things: our wedding anniversary, Thanksgiving, and a 4-day weekend. Yet, that deep moan rising from my spirit…n o v e m b e r. Beautiful post.

  5. Anita Ojeda says

    I’m grateful for a wonderful job with students that I love :).

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