2015 OneWord- RELY


On December 30th I sat in my favorite chair, planner in hand. I wrote 2015 in the center and circled it. I stared at the blank page for a while. And then, as if permission had been granted, out flowed all kinds of dreams and plans and hopes for the year.

A mind map like my dad would often use. Circles and boxes and squiggly lines, a visual representation of what the year might be, could be. Categories from Parenting to Writing. Household Projects and Daily Schedules. Books to Read and actions for my Soul’s Well Being.  All of these words transforming a blank sheet.

Then on cue, a wave of panic comes. So much goodness and hope. But can this reflective mama execute?

I put the planner down and switch gears. I pick up my journal and bible. Asking God to speak His words into this quickly approaching new year. A reference to 1 John 4 is recorded in a September journal entry. I flip my bible open and begin to read the chapter. I slow down here….”and so we know and rely on the love God has for us.” (1 John 4:16)

I read it again “and so we KNOW and RELY on the love God has for us.”

And again “and so we know and rely on the LOVE God has for us.”

And one more time “and so we know and rely on the love God has for US.”

Up until now, a few words for the year had been floating around in my head. Engage. Invite. Courage.

I kept rereading the scripture. Just like the above picture of my planner, everything became blurry….except one word. And I knew I had my word.

I went back and carefully wrote my word in the corner of my wild page.


To depend on with full trust or confidence.

And I knew a truth. None of my dreams or goals or plans would be accomplished by my sheer will power. It will burn out, give up, slow down. But with Him, by depending on the love that never ends, he will give me strength and rest and wisdom. In the place of reliance, I can more fully engage, invite and offer courage.

When I start my day in full reliance on Him, I am operating my life from an abundant resource. And through that filter all the things on my planner lift off the pages. They move from paper and pen, to a relationship with a living God. They are no longer items to check off, but an adventure he and I are on together.

Want to join?

Have a word or a theme or a verse for the year?  I would love to hear what it is in the comments section!

Melanie G One Word Large

Thanks to Traci Michele for creating this image! She is a wonderful graphic designer and has done beautiful work for many blogs and websites!

If you would like to know more about one word for the year, head over here.


  1. Lisa notes says

    Oh, I love your choice of Rely. Beautiful. Don’t we all need to trust Him more? This will be a great reminder to you all year to do just that. God is so good.

  2. Thank you! I love resolutions but have never captured a word. You have inspired a search! Jane

  3. Such a great word for the year. Thank you of reminder to trust Him in all of life’s circumstances.

  4. The perspective/realization of ‘fully relying on HIM’ excites and energies me as I think about this new year. All things are possible when I fully RELY; and as Kingdom Builders in our little part of the world, (Butler, PA) there is much to be done. Greater things are yet to come, and Greater things need to be done in this City. Tks, Melanie

  5. Great perspective on one word! I feel God nudging me that I need to focus on Trust this year. It’s so hard, with experiences in the past. But the word is there and I’ve committed to learning to Trust again.

  6. My 2015 OneWord-FAITH. Faith is easily said, but sometimes hard to incorporate into every aspect of our lives. I have always tried my best to be faithful as God has directed. My goal is to do an even better job of it this year. Thanks for the nudge to get me thinking and acting on it more.

  7. Rely is such a great word! My word for 2015 is content. I spend far too much time complaining, and I want to practice contentment this year. I want my focus to be on all the things that I have to be thankful for, and the Giver of these gifts. I hope you have a lovely day!

  8. Anita Ojeda says

    What a perfect word! I love hearing everyone’s journey to find ‘their’ word. Mine is ‘deeper’. I’m digging deeper and trying to avoid the shallow. May God be with you on your journey!

  9. Amanda Calitz says

    Rely is a beautiful word and I can’t wait to read about the rest of your journey! My word is Grace.

  10. Ingrid Lochamire says

    “Rely” just about covers it all, doesn’t it? To depend on Him with full trust and confidence will mean being in His will as we walk into the new year. Good choice. I will rely on Him as I seek to be ever mindful of His PRESENCE in 2015.

  11. Rely – trust. Don’t depend upon ourselves to accomplish our lists, but let God accomplish His work in us! Love it! Prayers for your new year!

  12. Susan Shipe says

    Love RELY. It immediately causes me to think of the acronym, F.R.O.G. = Fully Rely On God! Doing that this year will be a breeze!!!

  13. Christy Largent says

    What a great word for us all! So very important to realize this isn’t just from our own power. It’s all about HIM! My word is “Routine”. Trying to figure out how to best use my time with routine as the catalyst…the juggle can be just a tad-bit difficult! Thanks for this thoughtful post.

  14. Rely…a great word! Courage was one of the words I was pondering too. But God led me to another word instead. My word for 2015 is brave!

  15. Sherrey Meyer says

    Great word choice for 2015! And I love the way you conducted your search … combining mindmapping with Bible reading and prayer. My word for 2015 is “flexible.” A strange mix of events in 2014 uprooted and took my writing and other plans scattering. My frustrations grew until I found myself hurting the one I love most after God, my husband. Disruptions were no one’s fault; they were health issues for both of us (that’s what happens as you grow older). I realized I needed to mellow out but the Type A, everything has to be perfect, and everything must be executed when I planned for it in me kept irritating my days. As the year grew to a close and I sat in my comfy chair recovering from surgery in late November, it came to me that I need to learn to accept sudden and unexpected changes in my life. In a word, I need to be more flexible. Enjoy 2015!

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