When Your Words Thaw


On the first day of spring, we awoke to snow. By afternoon she realized her mistake, and let the spring sunshine take the stage.

On the first day of spring, we venture to a newly opened Trader Joes. I bought sunflowers.

On the first day of spring, my words experience spring fever and are itching to be let loose.

Snow and cold have been our constant companions. They are companions I enjoy. They slow me down and quiet me with a white blanket. They usher me into peace and stillness.

But alas, when March 20th comes, I am ready to bid farewell and welcome new companions.

Snow in the morning, giving way to sunflowers in the afternoon. My sign of hope. Of new life. Of seasons and rhythms and the longings my soul holds.


My words follow suit. They have been there all winter. Frozen under layers of busyness and cold. Resting, waiting for their time to bloom.

My thoughts and my discoveries and my words were captive to the freeze. Held in a solid state. Waiting for the thaw to come to offer them freedom of movement.

The words break free, free from the effect of the cold. A fire in my soul reminds me of who I am made to be. Exposed to that warmth, the words change from ice to water and they flow.

I don’t understand the mystery of it all. Of seasons and seeds lying dormant for months. Of thawing and new life knowing its turn has come.

Of why I write daily for the month of October. And once in three months.

But He is here. And He is faithful.  And He smiles at me.

And so I buy sunflowers and I write and I trust in something bigger than I can see.

Something that knows the wisdom of the freeze and the release of the thaw and the timing of them all.


{top image credit}

Linking with Inspire Me Monday


  1. Beautiful words! My words have come fleetingly as well…yet I have written since October, they are slow to come the past month or so. I pray your words continue to thaw and flow through your heart as you continue to share your thoughts!

  2. So good to have your words that and you back with us. We have missed you! And sunflowers remind me of my best friend. She got lost in a sunflower field when she was little. When the National Guard found her, the puppies licked her face. She said, “Jesus and the puppies woke me up.” She has had a thing for sunflowers ever since. Her license plate reads Snflwer (SON FOLLOWER) being a follower of the SON not the SUN! 🙂

  3. What a delight to read and ponder the ways of your first day of Spring! The photo of the remains of ice hanging on the blades of grass remind me of too many an ice storm that I no longer live in reach of, I hope! But the beauty of the sunflowers and the thoughts of words flowing and crocuses and daffodils erupting from the winter’s earth are good!
    Visiting from Blessed but Stressed.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  4. Martha Brady says

    melanie, i like it:) i’m not sure which i like best…the beautiful sunflowers in the blue vase or the words! your spring sound a lot like ours has been here in Alabama! It’s now starting to behave like spring! I was beginning to wonder there for a bit…when the snow/ice was coming in the early days of spring? BOO!
    i’m one of your neighbors at Inspire me Monday.

  5. Ashley Betz says

    I throughly enjoyed this post. Beautifully written! Winter is a time for slowing down; however, this year it’s lead to some crazy emotions. I am looking forward to spring, the colors and the freshness of a new season!

  6. Susan Gillgrist says

    Yea, so good to have you and your way with words back! Your words stimulate my thinking and give me something more to think about….I hope the thaw continues for all of us…

  7. Beautiful words. My words have been few as well. I am hoping that my Spring is around the corner.

  8. A beautiful reflection. I live in California and we didn’t really have a winter this year. It is weird after being in Ohio to be in a place that doesn’t really get cold. I am sad I am going to miss an Ohio Spring, but I don’t miss the snowy days. Enjoy spring, it is almost here.

  9. Like seeds your words have been enriched and equipped by their dormancy under the frozen surface. Greater life and His glory is evident in your words and this cycle.

  10. Anita Ojeda says

    Welcome to spring! My words have been roiling underground for awhile, too. I’m hoping that they burst forth soon ;).

  11. Your words are refreshing! Thank you! Welcome to spring and all that it brings that is good!!

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