He Would Be Fourteen


Fourteen.  I’m curled up in my favorite chair this Saturday morning. I’m imagining our house with a fourteen year old boy. Our first born.

I do the math again to make sure it’s correct. Yep, an April 2001 due date, he would be 14 this month.

Some days my remembrance of his short life is strong. In those moments I feel as though I am the mom of a teenager and all that goes along with it. He flashes through my mind at all the different stages of boyhood. There is weightiness, a purpose in my remembering.

I remember the joy of us discovering we were pregnant. I remember a life that opened us up to dreams and plans. I remember the love of two people overflowing into parenthood. I remember the panic of realizing how much life was about to change in this first year of marriage. I remember beauty and hope that overrode it all.

I remember the month of his birth and in doing so, I honor his life.

His life mattered. This little one created in the image of God. I think it’s important to tell you that his life mattered not because x, y and z happened as a result of it. It doesn’t have substance because I can point to ‘this must be part of the purpose of his life being short’. He matters because he was made by a God who says he matters. A God who knit him together and gave him significance.

I don’t know why his life was short. Nothing we could tell of the impact of his short life would answer the why. While I am grateful and even humbled by that impact, it alone is inadequate to answer the why. It would never be enough. But you can point me to a God who is enough.

My God who has held me tight for 14 years. Whose tears mingle with my own. Who tells me there will be a world where “Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years.”

He has never answered my questions with a formula, but with a relationship. And He redeems. Oh how he weaves in redemption. In those broken places.  In those places where it was too much to bear. In those places of loss and dreams taken. The depth and beauty of redemption revealed to those who walk these paths is breathtaking.

I invite you today to remember with me. To remember a boy who would turn 14. To remember your own shattered dreams. To honor them all by recognizing their importance. To let them point towards the longing in your soul for things that are “good and true and noble.” May your heart be stirred by your own remembering.


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  1. What a beautiful tribute to your son…remembering with you – for we all have those things that we once “had” yet are no longer with us. Thank you for sharing your heart!!

  2. What a beautiful tribute to your son…remembering with you – for we all have those things that we once “had” yet are no longer with us.

    Thank you for sharing your heart!!

    • Thank you Barbara! Yes, so many areas of life….and living in this ‘now and not yet’ life. Knowing full redemption is coming, and getting glimpses of it now.
      Thanks for your encouragement.

  3. Susan Gillgrist says

    As always remembering with you, the lost and the found as we journey into eternity where all will be made whole.

  4. Lisa Matasovsky Lunsford says

    thank you for sharing! Tearing up as I read this! Very meaningful to me now!


  5. Your words move me. Thank you sharing your pain, your hope, and your faith with us.

  6. beautiful…

  7. Although I’ve yet to experience loss of a loved one, I know the loss of shattered dreams. I hold parents who have experienced this unimaginable grief in high regard.

  8. Judy Gould says

    Thank you for sharing with all of us. From one mommy of an Angel to another remembering with you.

  9. Becky Daye says

    Wow, Melanie! It didn’t hit me until I read this that my first would have been 14 this month too. Wow. We named our baby “Hope” as a reminder to keep trusting in our Father no matter what would happen. What a sweet reminder that every baby matters to Him. Grateful for your words, sweet friend!

  10. Susan Shipe says

    Melanie, what a sweet tribute to your son. I have a grandchild that never even got big enough to cause a “baby bump” in my daughter’s profile but I know one sweet day I will meet him or her and run crazy together in the fields of heaven!

  11. What a gift this is to share with so many moms who are forever loving and missing their own.

  12. ~Karrilee~ says

    Remembering with you!

  13. Anita Ojeda says

    I’m so sorry for your loss, Melanie. I”ll remember with you.

  14. Sarah Lango says

    Beautiful words. I agree it is so important to remember his little life, all the little lives because they are valuable and they cannot be replaced, even 24 years later. Thank you for sharing! May God continue to comfort your heart today.

  15. Such beautiful words of remembrance. And thank you for the reminder that we don’t necessarily need an explanation of the why, but more a revelation of God’s love.

  16. Betsy de Cruz says

    Coming over here from #RaRaLinkup encouragement page. My heart goes out to you. I can’t imagine. I guess the hope of heaven is brightened by the thought that you’ll be able to hug your son. May the Lord continue to give you grace.

  17. Melanie, This is absolutely beautiful. And you brought me through my story of brokenness and tears to the One who heals. His presence has carried me through and I continue to remember with love. Blessings to you!


  1. […] He Would Be Fourteen  Remembering our first child. […]

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