The Fears We Have {Day 8}


Dear Fear

You whisper to me to quiet down, I am being too much. Then you tell me to speak up, that I will never be enough.

You say I should be concerned with what others think. Then you have me questioning if they are trustworthy.

You imply I must never get it wrong. And then through some twist, you have me afraid of getting it right too.

You use all kinds of methods to convey I must fear being alone. And yet you will do your best to say don’t get too close.

Today you tell me that change is too much and then tomorrow you have me worried of being stuck.

Fear, you’ve confused me because sometimes the things I fear are true. Of loss and death and pain. And other times they are just perceived and lies you have weaved.

I’ve feared being vulnerable, not being in control. I’ve feared the what ifs and the unknowns.

You tell me to fear the other, differences are trouble.

You say avoid falling and failing, but when I do you are there to say it’s not safe to get back up.

I can make sense of you fear, warning me against the things that bring dread. But you seem to have founds ways to make us fear the things that will bring deep joy.

Fear, we have worn you like a cloak, hoping danger won’t get too close. But when we look closer, we see you aren’t truly here to protect from harm.

I’ve allowed you entryways, in places you aren’t welcomed. So many ways, so many types of fear.

But now that we’ve named some, we would like you to know, you are here to serve us. Not for us to serve you.

You serve us by being an indicator, a prompt. To run to Jesus. To let him sort it out.

But no longer the one who gets to make our choices. You have had your day, in so many ways. And we would like them back.


What are your subtle fears?

What is at risk when you fear?

What do we miss in our lives when we act or don’t act out of fear?

What do others miss out on when we act or don’t act out of fear?

PS In case you are interested, here is a what the experts say are top fears.What do you think of that? (Some list also included snakes, crowds, small spaces and clowns)


INo Fear Final 100 am participating in Write 31 Days. Click right here to see all the amazing topics!  I am writing on 31 Beauty Full Days.  You can read the intro post here.  And you can also always click on the button on the sidebar to see all posts in the series.


  1. Oh, I am loving this series! I can’t wait to read it each morning. It is so needed, this closer look at fear. I love how you wrote speaking directly to fear. Empowering!

  2. Susan Gillgrist says

    Oh yes, what a great prompt to run to Jesus ,,,,,I love this reminder…

  3. Fear has away of doing that to us, doesn’t it..creeping in, oh so subtly, but the truth is we have nothing to fear in Christ. I am reminded of how many times in the Bible we read the words “Do not be afraid!”

  4. I love the push pull thing you have going on here, which is exactly what fear does to us. Pushes and pulls us into a web of confusion where our fears come true. Nicely written!

  5. What are your subtle fears? Unworthy, and I will over complicate a simple answer/solution

    What is at risk when you fear? Letting an important moment slip by that God meant only for me

    What do we miss in our lives when we act or don’t act out of fear? Happiness

    What do others miss out on when we act or don’t act out of fear? Life

  6. Oops, There I go over thinking and complicating the last part of the question. I think I misunderstood.

    Should have said:

    What do others miss out on when we act or don’t act out of fear? Our Love


  1. […] Day 8     Dear Fear. The Ways We Fear […]

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