Memorizing Scripture. Letting Scripture Memorize Us. {Day 20}


Back in September I began to throw around ideas for a 31 Days series. I was focused on diving into Scripture and the ways it shapes us and transforms it. I thought of titling it Savoring God’s Word. Or Feasting on God’s Word. Then somewhere near the end of the month, No Fear captured me. I knew it was what I would write on. I thought “Wow, that was a complete change in topics.”

But now, I am realizing they are not so different.  It is in the digging into, savoring God’s Word that is one of the biggest ways that fear’s voice loses its power.

The next couple of days we will look at scripture and practices we can engage that help us live a life of no fear. Memorizing it. Meditating on it. Studying it.

Today is memorizing.

I wonder when I say that word, memorizing, what happens to you on the inside? Does it bring dread or feel like a burden? Does it feel like a should to?

Have you experienced memorizing scripture as something life giving?

It seems that sometimes we memorize scripture and sometimes scripture memorizes us. The verses I know by heart have come one of two ways. One being it has been a verse I picked and I said it over and over, day after day, until it was in my soul. Two being I have been in the midst of a trial or a decision and a verse captured me. I clung to it and although I wasn’t trying to memorize it, it was a life line.

In today’s world I don’t commit as much to memory. If I want to know something, I just google it. With so much information, new ideas come and old ones leave. But the benefits of memorizing are immense. When we do, we are choosing the words and images and thoughts that shape our minds and hearts and souls. We are creating a wallpaper that becomes what we think on.

In Adele Calhoun’s book Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices that Transform Us, she says “Memorizing God’s Word allows us to access divinely inspired thought and wisdom. And it works in us even when we are not conscious of its doing so.”  (I love this book, it is an amazing and thorough reference and reflection book.)

Would you practice some memorization in the next week?

Here are some ideas:

Memorize a favorite song. Slow yourself down, listen to the words and their meaning. Let yourself soak in it.
Memorize a verse. Write it on an index card. Tape it to your mirror, you kitchen sink window, your car dashboard (ok, be careful with that one). Say it in when you wake up and when you go to bed.
 Memorize a passage or book of the bible. I have never done this. A friend and I began memorizing Romans 8. In my bible I have written next to the passage “Laura Brown. 9/20/98 – __” Maybe it’s time to finish that.

What other ideas do you have?

{the above picture is my Grandmother’s bible. i love imaging all the life giving words she memorized from it}

No Fear Final 100I am participating in Write 31 Days. Click right here to see all the amazing topics!  I am writing on 31 Beauty Full Days.  You can read the intro post here.  And you can also always click on the button on the sidebar to see all posts in the series.


  1. This is great! I memorized a ton of Scripture as a child (Christian school + Awana), but haven’t actively worked on memorizing verses in too long. It’s been on my “list of things to do eventually.” Thanks for a great reminder – and yes, those verses I do have memorized pop back up exactly when I need them!

  2. Susan Gillgrist says

    Don’t laugh but I do this….sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep and I think about people being captured and were prisoners of war and kept in isolation and God’s Word sustained them. So I try that……ok laying here quietly , whispering verses I remember. What is so surprising is that the Holy Spirit brings to my mind so many verses that I didn’t consciously memorize, they are just there! It really displays to me the power of the Spirit….thanks Melanie for encouraging me to memorize more…

  3. Susan Shipe says

    I love what Susan Gillgrist says above. I do that too at times. I like what you said Melanie about scripture memorizing us. I have several favorites. My life scripture. My HOPE scripture. My favorite OT chapter (Ps 91) and my favorite NT chapter (John 17). Glad I came over to your house today!

  4. I talked about this some today too in my post. Memorizing Scripture is so important. I need to memorize even more. Grab a hold of His truth and soak it into my heart. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Kathryn Grossman says

    I love this post. I, too, am saved by Scripture I have memorized and am guilty of not memorizing for a while now. I love to pray Scripture and write it out to Him…all the truths inside of me that are His bring me strength and comfort. I love the reminder to my soul. I was in a weekly Women’s Bible study group for years and the teacher, Alice Ross, here in Butler, led us in singing the Scriptures to tunes she made up….helped so much to remember the words. I believe singing the Scriptures is a great way. Gotta get back to that! Thanks.

  6. stuckinindiana says

    Love this Melanie & totally agree with the comments shared before me. There’s a great collection of scriptures that I love — The Daily Light. It has a morning & evening reading. I underline verses that jump out at me & then try to memorize them. Scripture brings peace to me like nothing else. So glad I got YOU in the 5-4-5 today 🙂


  1. […] to help us not respond to fear’s directives, but instead to move towards freedom. Tuesday was Memorizing scripture, Wednesday was Meditating on it and today we turn to Studying […]

  2. […] last couple of weeks we have talked about God’s Word (Memorizing it, Meditating on it and Studying it) and Prayer (Examen and […]

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