A Few Of My Favorite Things {Day 23}

books with words

As I have been writing this week, I have realized how many books, articles, verses and other resources I have read that inform my thoughts on living a life of no fear, and especially practices or spiritual disciplines that we can engage to aid in our journey. As we end this week, here is a list of some of my favorite things in that realm and I would love to hear about what you would add to the list!

(If you are interested in any, you can click on the image in the body of the post, or I have also included a shop amazon affiliate link at the bottom for each one.)

Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun- This book is a treasure. It contains over 50 practices that we can incorporate into our life as we pursue God. I love the set up of each one- there is a summary, a definition, scriptures, what the practice includes, God-given fruit of that practice, reflection questions and exercises. It is a great one to pull off the shelf and look up a specific practice.

Renovation of the Heart by Dallas Willard. All of his books are amazing studies on Christian discipleship. This one is a classic on understanding what it means to grown in Christlikeness. An in depth look at how change and transformation happens.

Celebation of Discipline by Richard Foster. Written originally in 1978, this is the standard for diving into spiritual disciplines and their application in our life.

Daring Greatly and Rising Strong by Brene Brown. I have only read Daring Greatly and am just starting Rising Strong. If you want to read on vulnerability and how having courage to engage transforms us, this is the place to go. It has been a big factor in shaping thoughts as I have been writing this series.

The Allure of Hope by Jan Meyers.  I read this book (and the one that follows) the year after we lost a baby in our fifth month of pregnancy. I feel like I lived the book. It put to words so much of my struggle and my desire to keep hoping. It is one I pull off the shelf…all the time. It reminds me of who I am and who I am made to be. It helps me to fight off fear and instead live in freedom.

When Life and Beliefs Collide by Carolyn Custis James. Everything I said about Allure of Hope above, applies here. This book gave me roots for what I believe and why I believe it. It challenged me to articulate who I really believe God to be and that I am not too much for him, my pain is not too much for him. I came away from it realizing how important theology is.

Here are a few more that I can’t pass up listing. They all fall under the category of spiritual formation, or how to I grow in my walk with God. The last two are specifically on God’s Word and how it transforms us.

Well, I was also going to list websites and other blog series. But this seems to be plenty for today. I will follow up with another post that includes online resources!  What would you add?


  1. Karen Sebastian says

    These look wonderful! Thanks for sharing your favorites. I will check some of these out.

  2. Susan Gillgrist says

    These all look like great resources…for me my favorites have always been The Holiness of God by RC Sproul and The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning. Before I could grow in Christ I needed to figure our who God was and who I was…..Thanks Melanie

  3. ~Karrilee~ says

    Oh yes… I have several of these myself! Great suggested reads!

  4. good stuff.

    I also liked “Disciplines of a Godly Woman” by Barbara Hughes

  5. Barbara H. says

    Oddly, I don’t think I have heard of any of these except the one by Bridges. I have only read one of his, on disciplines of grace, and need to read more. I have been sharing Elisabeth Elliot quotes this month, and her words have had a tremendous impact on my life. Disciplines of the Beautiful Woman, Disciplines of the Heart, and Disciplines of the Home by Anne Ortlund and Changed Into His Image and Quieting a Noisy Heart by Jim Berg have been big helps as well.

  6. Thanks even better than crisp apple strudel and schnitzel n noodle 🙂

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