a dead branch

There’s a dead branch hanging in the tree outside my window at the retreat center. It’s completely broken off, but appearing to hang in the air amidst the other branches.

My first thought is “look how it’s hanging on to life.” But then I realize- no, it’s dead– it’s not hanging on to anything. It’s the live branches that are holding it up, supporting it. It is only their strength, their connectedness that holds up what is dead.

And God speaks.

The dead things in my life- they are dead. God declares it so. But me- my living pieces and places hold on to what it dead, not quite ready to let it go, not ready to let them drop to the ground.

I say they are hanging on to me. But no, it’s not true. I am hanging on to them. I have the power, the agency, to let them fall. But my own lies, my fear and evil- they whisper, manipulate “keep holding on”. Until I believe what is dead has hold of me and there is no choice, it won’t leave me alone.

But I see now, I’ve built limbs and branches and a support system to prop up what takes true life from me.

And I settle in. Going around carrying these dead limbs.

The tree sighs and the wind blows. And she lets go. It tumbles down, with hardly a sound.

I sigh, the Holy Spirit blows and I let go. And the dead, the lies, the false, tumbles down. Louder than the tree.

And the tree and I stand taller, reaching toward the sky.

Breathing in.


And goodness.


And beauty.

Because now we can be more fully who we are made to be.


  1. Mary Gemmill says

    This speaks truth to me.
    I will pray for a mighty wind of the Spirit to come and disentangle all that is dead that my living limbs are holding on to, wasting valuable strength needed to help me grow new living buds then branches that I can beat much good fruit for Him.
    Thank you for this illuminating post Melanie!!

  2. Profound words much need in my life right now. Words to think on, pray on and more important act on. Mary G’s words adds more to think about. Thank you, Melanie and Mary.

    So great to see you writing and sharing again your thoughts and feelings. When I saw your e-mail, I didn’t recognize at first so deleted. Once deleted that loving Voice told me to halt, go back and restore. There are words you should read from a friend. Remember Blue Marble God is Melanie.

    • Shirley, I didn’t know it sent an email until Rob told me he received one! Guess it’s something I set up a while ago to auto send when I post!
      Glad you reopened. And that the words spoke to you ❤️

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