Yummm! Fall Slow Cooker Recipe- Day 4

When you imagine Fall, what picture do you have? In addition to leaves and pumpkins, fires and shorter days, does food come to mind?

It does for me. Comfort. Warmth. Gatherings.

Sharing a feast. Abundance. The ways God draws us together to share from His table.

And when I thought of food and recipes, I thought of my friend Kristi!

When I asked her if she would share a recipe a week for the series she said absolutely!

Now before I get to the recipe I want to say a couple of words about her. I met Kristi just over a year ago. One of those friends that you feel like you have known longer.

I met her on the day we arrived in PA, having just moved across the country when my husband accepted a position at our church. Her husband unloaded our truck. She watched our son. Within one hour she had invited me to a bible study that she facilitated. Her welcoming spirit was water for a new soul in town.

She is generous and inviting. Creative and an amazing cook and baker. Check out her page for more recipes and tidbits- right here.

OK, on to the recipe!

She choose a Slow Cooker recipe for this week in step with the theme of routines, schedules and keeping it simple.

Crock Pot Creamy Chicken Italiano

4 chicken breast halves

1 envelope dry Italian salad dressing mix

1/4 cup water (I used chicken broth)

8 oz pkg cream cheese (I used 4 oz so it was more brothy than creamy)

1 can cream of (your choice) soup

4 oz can of drained mushrooms


1. Put chicken in slow cooker

2. Combine salad dressing mix and water. Pour over chicken. (Don’t worry if it looks like there’s not enough liquid covering it–the chicken will create some of its own liquid too)

3. Cover. Cook on low 3 hours.

4. Combine cream cheese and soup until blended. Stir in mushrooms. Pour over chicken.

5. Cover. Cook on low 1 hour or until juices run clear.

6. Serve over noodles or rice.

Thank you Kristi for sharing!

I’m going to try each recipe the day it’s posted. This one is in my slow cooker today!


Today is Day 4 in my 31 Days of Noticing Fall series.  If you missed a day, you can read them here.

If you would like to receive them via email, you can sign up in the upper right Subscribe box.

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Linking with Works For Me Wednesday


  1. Thanks Kirsty and Melanie
    This sounds decadently delicious. Cooking , or what I call kitchen art, was one of the loves of my life that I had to bid a sweet farewell with the Fm/ME. Still, just looking at the ingredients makes my mouth drool!
    Love and blessings

    • Mia- I’m sad that the FM/ME has taken that away. And hope that it may come back in some way. Blessings to you!

  2. Ahh … a wonderful twist to the blog – food for the soul and the stomach! Nothing beats coming home from work smelling the offerings of a crock pot set up before one left for work. I was recently reminded of this and now use mine more often. However, as a single person – I end up with an abundance (from God) and get to freeze the left overs so that such an event as crock pot cooking can last for several weeks. Now how may I ‘crock pot and store’ the many great messages here and in our church’s sermons? … hmmm.

    I welcome suggestions!

  3. Melanie,

    I want to make this today. Did you cut the chicken breasts into pieces first before you cooked it or after?

    Thank you 🙂



  1. […] 4.  Now for those of you who know me, this one will really stun you. A recipe. Yes! I know this isn’t a food blog, but thanks to my friend Kristi, it’s appearance in the 31 Days series was a hit!  Fall Slow Cooker Recipe […]

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