Longing for Spring- A Giveaway


I love winter. I love the beauty of snow falling and drinking hot chocolate. That is until March 1st comes. Then my love of seasons changing overtakes. I’m ready for peaks of spring, grass turning green and windy days. When March 18th comes and my son has a snow day, well I really start getting antsy.

So to combat the effects of a lingering winter, I’m having my first ever giveaway! I thought maybe if we talk about spring and write about spring, it will help usher it in.

Here’s the plan, I am going to have one giveaway per week until spring comes to Western PA.

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment answering that week’s question.

And if you would like bonus points (meaning your name is entered more than once), there will be additional ways to enter.

Here is this week’s gift. It feels like spring to me!

It is from Go Fish, a company who “purchases most of the items we sell from the indigenous people of developing nations. We never argue a price or take advantage of the poor, but always give them the dignity and respect of buying these hand-crafted goods at their asking price.”



Is it showing signs of spring where you live?  If you would like to enter for a chance to win this scarf, please leave a response to this question below in the comments.

If you would like additional entries, check out this cool Rafflecopter below. It will guide you through with options to subscribe to my blog post, to like Blue Marble God on Facebook, etc.  For those of you who already are, you get the bonus entries too- just make sure you click below on each of the Rafflecopter options.

Giveaway is open until Saturday, March 23rd at 11:59pm.

And come back next week to see what’s in store! (Hopefully it’s not more snow.)


a Rafflecopter giveaway

{top image credit}



  1. It’s slowly starting to warm up in time for Spring and the Cherry Blossoms should be out in time for Easter in DC.

  2. Becky Daye says

    How fun, Melanie and the scarf is lovely! I am right there with you in my longing for Spring! It snowed again today here and I am about done. I think I will decorate for Easter to drive away the winter blahs!

  3. Sue Gillgrist says

    Azaleas . Wisteria Tulips Carolina Jasmine etc.. And all of it covered with beautiful yellow
    pollen Achoo!

  4. Julia Stephenson says

    Well, since I live about 30 mins from you….not yet. Although my hyacinths are trying to come up! I am starting to think Spring has been cancelled this year! 🙂

  5. No, as I write this, I am snuggled under 4 covers and wondering if my feet will ever get warm. They feel like ice!

  6. Kathy Hardiman says

    No! We just had a bunch of new snow on Monday (March 18th). I’m tired of it 😉

  7. We have a blanket of snow still on the ground after 4 inches on Saturday and more on Monday. I am really ready for Spring, my favorite season, too. I was in Colorado last week and it was 70 degrees and daffodils were up. A teaser….

  8. Nellie Shines says

    What a great idea!!! I love give away number #1.

  9. Amy Knauer says

    The sun is shining at the moment… not sure what this afternoon will bring! I’m with you, Melanie…I’m soooo ready for SPRING!

  10. Diane Bureman says

    Since I live within miles of you, yes and no! The rhododendron leaves are curled under so the temperatures are not spring-like, rather they are below freezing. BUT the sun is shining on us with white puffy clouds floating against a blue sky! So I’m hopeful! My daffodils are up about 3 inches. The scarf is MY color, for sure!

  11. I am sitting in my office, facing 2 windows. The little sign of Spring that I see on this chilly day is that I had to lower one of the blinds because the sun was in a different spot this morning. Usually it bounces off Jason’s truck into my eyes and I close the door blinds or ask him to please park somewhere else. Today it is peaking through the trees and blinding me without the help of a shiny truck!! It’s coming, it’s really coming!!

    p.s. I love Go Fish, They have a store in Cape May and I have a lovely necklace from there. I must find where I put that!

  12. Amanda Conquers says

    Spring has totally come to California–tulip trees have already done blooming, cherry trees are in blossom, daffodils are up… But you may be tired of hearing and seeing that from me lol.

  13. spring seems like a long way off here in minnesota! we were below the day’s average by 20 degrees today and 40 degrees below today’s temp last year :-/. still feels like the thick of winter in this white, snowy winter-wonder-land!

  14. (in PA) The pussywillows are out, the snowdrops are blooming, the tulips and the crocus are poking through… 🙂 …poking the snow 🙁 and it’s the first day of spring. lol

  15. Last week I saw the first crocus in my yard. Over the weekend, my grandson (who helped plant them) wandered the yard with me and where there was a bit of yellow or purple just under the snow, we uncovered the cold little buds.

  16. It is showing signs of spring,
    but not in the usual ways.
    It is not seen in the flowers yet,
    or in the warming of the days.
    I see signs of spring
    In the giggle of my child
    as they gaze upon Easter goodies
    lining the store isle.
    I see signs of spring
    In the joyous little sound
    of choir songs practiced
    in the car as we travel around.
    Yes, indeed it is showing signs of spring
    each and every day.
    And every day spring grows nearer
    I shout a thankful hurray!

  17. Renie Cline says

    Walks in St. Edwards State Park this week revealed bright green resurrection fern and swelling leaf buds on the hardwoods, narcissus blooms mixed among daffodills and those curious lawn clumps of pink and white tiny daisy-like flowers. I saw my first humming bird of the year seeking something nectar-full. 🙂 Last evening it snowed in Everette! ..rained in Bothell…and was dry in Kirkland. PNW is wrapped in change of seasons.

  18. Anne Wilson says

    I am beginning to think we live in the land of Narnia where it is always Winter! We awakened to an inch of snow!

  19. Kristine E. says

    It’s still snowing!


  1. […] I had my first ever giveaway this past week. Don’t worry if you missed it, because I decided to have one per week until […]

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