Wrapping Up a Beauty Full Month {Day 31}

31 days series

A month ago I wrote these words:

This year the word Beauty keeps surfacing. The kind of beauty that defies darkness. The kind that offers hope. The kind of beauty that is all around us, but that we so often miss.

I am cautious as I write, lest you think I am speaking of a pie in the sky, life is wonderful kind of beauty. No. This life can be messy. A beauty that fades when life gets tangled offers us little. This life can be heartbreaking. And it is the substantive, battling beauty that conquers our fears. Sometimes it is a whisper on days that seem gray. Sometimes it is an all out avalanche when despair has us in its clutch.

It is the beauty that reminds us of purpose and truth. It calls us back to our hearts with its disarming purity. It strengthens us to be ready for the good fight while inviting moments of rest. It is something we have a hard time defining, but our souls know when we have tasted it.

A month ago I had an impression on my heart, a whisper that said this is important. I suppose a description of beauty, but no experiences yet to support the vision stirring.

A month later, the topic brought me surprising places. Beauty in heartache, redemption and the both/and of life. Beauty of work, play and rest. Beauty in art, music and words. Beauty in the daily places of life- neighbors playing, chinese restuarants, sleeping boys and vocabulary words. Beauty connected by friends across the world. I even wrote a Beauty Manifesto.

So do you want to know what I learned?

  • I picked an easy topic. I began to discover beauty is everywhere and in every aspect of life. As I was reflecting on this, I realized this quote shared at the beginning helps with understanding why that is true:

“Beauty is God’s goodness made manifest to the senses.”  Dallas Willard

God’s goodness is not going anywhere. It will always be. And it will find avenue’s to be known. And when it has room to be known, we will experience beauty.

  • Intimacy with God opens my eyes and ears and heart to beauty. When I get too busy, it is hard to have stillness in my life. Instead of quiet and study, my mind is full of distractions and my time is filled with to do lists. But in those quiet places, I can let go of the loud voices and listen of the One who brings true rest and life. When I am walking so closely to Him that nothing else has room to squeeze in, in those times the world is filled with vibrancy and I can’t help but notice the beauty he places in front of me.
  • Beauty is not only something I notice, but something I can help usher in. Something I can invite others too. This one surprised me. I began the month only thinking about noticing beauty, not revealing it. Mid month I realized that God’s goodness is something he created me to help make known. When I am living into who I am made to be, I will reveal beauty in a way unlike any one else. And the same is of course true for you.
  •  On a personal note, I learned I can write more than I thought I could. I have to tell you, I have always fallen into the “I write when I’m inspired” camp. After this month I discovered the discipline of writing. That writing is both an art and a craft. I can write even when I don’t ‘feel like it’. God meets me there.
  • Lastly, I found that my family would like me to start cooking meals again. So while I will be writing more than once or twice a month….it will not be everyday!


What have you learned about beauty along the way?

Have any of your ideas about beauty changed?

For those of you who receive this in your inbox, thank you for enduring a sudden influx of posts.

I deeply appreciate all of your comments and support and conversation! I found myself anticipating each post and the work in my heart along the way.



  1. With much antifcipation I awaited your final post on beauty and you did not disappoint. I hope we don’t have to wait too long for the next one. God Bless…

  2. Jennifer Kostick says

    I also wrote about beauty, and I can tell you that God has taught me an abundance of lessons over this last 31 days. I even stepped out of my box and posted a vlog along with closing post today. Congratulations on day 31, friend!

  3. Lynnae McCoy says

    What a beautiful post! I have been terrible about following fellow 31 Days blogs, but I’m glad I found you on the last day. I can see this is a series I’m going to want to read. Congrats on sticking with it and finishing strong!

  4. I love this: “That writing is both an art and a craft. I can write even when I don’t ‘feel like it’. God meets me there.” I find the most meaningful experiences are the ones where I ask God meet me there. I concentrate on his presence, and he overwhelms me with beauty.

  5. Oh I love that quote by Dallas Willard! I can only add a hearty Amen to all you shared here! Congrats on finishing strong… on discovering the discipline of writing… (I too ‘write when I’m inspired’ – but it’s a nice surprise to find that when we sit down anyway… inspiration comes!) And Amen to our families and their patience and grace and their little hallelujah dance that is maybe just as jubilant as ours that is it now November! 😉

  6. That Dallas Willard quote if fantastic! Reading along here, I’ve learned that there is beauty in the every single moment – that it should not be taken for granted – and that our God loves to display it, when we will just have the eyes to see. I’ve so enjoyed your series, Melanie!

  7. I have so enjoyed your series! I had a similar experience. I chose 31 days of learning to be positive and was blown away by how much I grew personally and how it changed my outlook. Look forward to reading after October!

  8. I love your take-aways from the writing challenge. Yes, we don’t have to wait for beauty…good.

  9. mary gemmill says

    Melanie..your BEAUTY filled posts have been a source of deep blessings over these 31 days and from the bottom of my heart I want to love on you and say: Well Done ~!
    You are a gifted writer connected to the heart of God, so have been able to make the lives of your readers more beautiful.
    During this 31 days I have been travailing in prayer for some pretty heavy situations in my family, so opening up each day’s post did me a great good, reminding me that God created so much beauty to bless us with signs of His T.L.C..

    I am asking for a powerful blessing to be poured out upon you so you will know how thankful God is for your efforts on our behalf… maybe you will suddenly find much beauty in preparing meals for your family 😉

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