Beauty in Redemption {Day 9}


It was February 2007 and Rob and I sat in a library in North Seattle. I saw that I missed a phone call from our adoption social worker. I stepped outside to call her back.

“I have a referral for you and Rob. I am emailing you the information now.” I try to make sense of what she is saying. Just a week or so earlier we turned in all our paperwork. And so far in our journey to be parents nothing had moved in the fast lane.

We speed home and fly through the door. As we search for the email, my emotions are all over the place. And then, there he is. Black hair, lots of it and his eyes closed. Just a few days old.

Surreal, staring at a picture of a baby who would become our son. I remember wanting so much for his eyes to be open, to really see him.

Seven years ago today, we stood at the Embassy in Guatemala. Holding an 8 month old boy with the biggest, most inquisitive brown eyes you have ever seen. His eyes wide open for me. Seven years ago this week we hung out in Guatemala City, waiting for the ok to head home with him.

Thus far in my life, our adoption of Samuel has been the place that I have tasted the sweetness of redemption the strongest. Samuel, meaning ‘asked of God.’

Here are a few of the places I have written about our adoption journey and once again would be honored for you to visit them:

  • Leaves of Redemption (both on our miscarriages and the adoption process. from my heart)
  • Waterfalls  (trusting God and adoption)
  • Going Home (bringing Sam home, by far my most read post on this blog. there’s also lots of fun pictures!)


Yesterday I wrote about our miscarriages and Beauty in Heartache.  Thank you for your kind words and love in the midst of that. And in all honesty, I am emotionally tired, in a good way. I realize when I begin to tap this keyboard with that part of my soul, I feel vulnerable. I think if I hadn’t told you I was writing today on Beauty in Redemption, I might have just skipped out of my day 9 post.

But here we are.

And maybe my best offering from a tired, but hopeful heart is a prayer.

Father, redemption is your specialty. You take the ashes and make beauty. The zigzag paths of our choices and make a life. You are always working, always redeeming. You look to barrenness and say much fruit will grow. You shower us with the redemptive power of love. We don’t have to look far to see the beauty of redemption. Of a wrong made right. Of justice and glory and deep joy. Redemption, all the great novels and movies knowing its the secret hope of life. You hold the key to it all. This deep seeded desire we have to be known and seen and restored.  You never give up on your dream for us. You open his arms wide, redemption for us all.

“You said You’d come and share all my sorrows,
You said You’d be there for all my tomorrows;
I came so close to sending You away,
But just like You promised You came there to stay;
I just had to pray!

And Jesus said, “Come to the water, stand by My side,
I know you are thirsty, you won’t be denied;
I felt ev’ry teardrop when in darkness you cried,
And I strove to remind you that for those tears I died.”



blog button final 100I am participating in The Nester’s 31 Days of Series. Click right here to see all the amazing topics!  I am writing on 31 Beauty Full Days.  You can read the intro post here.  And you can also always click on the button on the sidebar to see all posts in the series.

Lastly, if you want to receive the series via email, enter your email address in the Subscribe box. Once you do, you will receive a confirmation email and after you verify it, you will start getting them!

{top image credit}


  1. Becky Daye says

    “Your goodness so great, I can’t understand, but dear Lord, I know that all this was planned. I know you’re here now and always will be, your love loosed my chains and in you I’m free”
    Love that song and so blessed by your beautiful story and your beautiful heart!
    So thankful that Jesus is our Redeemer!

    • Becky
      I love that you added more lyrics….yes, wonderful words. Thank you for your encouragement and for pointing to our Redeemer.

  2. Sarah Lango says

    Sometimes speaking your heart can be exhausting. God makes beautiful things out of broken things and I love how you spoke so humbly about his redeeming power. Thank you!

    • Hi Sarah
      ‘speaking your heart can be exhausting’ yes! that says it so well.
      Thank you for your encouragement and your understanding!

  3. Charity Craig says

    What a beautiful story. Happy adoption day!

  4. This gave me goosebumps. I cannot understand first-hand all the emotions that accompany the adoption process, but I feel blessed and humbled that people like you are willing to open up and share about all you’ve gone through. Bless you!

    • Sarah
      Thank you. Adoption is such an amazing journey- and we had so many supporting us from afar. Happy weekend to you.

  5. Bonnie Burgamy says

    Your prayer IS a beautiful gift! Thank you for exerting your energy to share your words amidst the exhaustion! Sharing the stories of our heart connects us, even when we may be so far apart! Love that! Love your faithfulness!

    • Bonnie
      Thank you! Your words bless me, deeply. I definitely came into this post thinking I had more to say than I could get out. But God seems to meet us when we don’t have much to offer and somehow shows up. Thanks for your encouragement.

  6. Beautiful! What a happy day to remember! I pray you God blesses you and your family! Coming by from the 31 days comment thread!

  7. As someone who’s been through several (and still going thru) fertility treatments (some successful some not), I can relate too well to feeling like I need the bruised parts of my life to find redemption…. thankfully He has given and gives it still!
    Beautifully written!!

  8. Julie
    So grateful for your words…and for the redemption.
    Praying with you as you continue your fertility treatments and all that comes with that.
    Thank you.


  1. […] is beauty in heartache. There is beauty in redemption. They stand alone. Each their own, unique offering to our […]

  2. […] {Day 9}          The Beauty of Redemption  […]

  3. […] month later, the topic brought me surprising places. Beauty in heartache, redemption and the both/and of life. Beauty of work, play and rest. Beauty in art, music and words. Beauty in […]

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